BRISIBE, Prof. Ebiamadon Andi




B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D; academic, researcher, consultant, administrator; b: January 24, 1959; p: Ugos; ht: Ojobo New Town; lga: Ekeremor; so: Bayelsa; m: Mrs. Naomi Nozaki, May 29, 1996; nc: one s, one d; ed: L A. Primary School, Ojobo, 1965-70; Government College, Bomadi, 1971-75; Edo College, Benin City, 1976-77; University of Ibadan, 1977-82; 1986-87; Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, 1988-93; cr: Visiting snr. Research Scientist, Royal Veterinary Agriculture University, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1993- 9,6; Visiting prof. National Grassland Research Institute, Nishinasuno, Japan* 1997-2000; Visiting prof. Nagoya City University, Nagoya, Japan, 2000-2002; presently, prof. University of Calabar, Calabar; mm: International Association for Plant Tissue Culture; Japanese Society of Breeding; Japanese Crop Science Society; hob: reading, writing, skiing and playing tennis; off: Department of Genetics and Biotechnology, University of Calabar, Calabar; e-m: [email protected]; res: 124, Mcc Road, Calabar, tel: 0802- 3187847; pha: 9, AlfredAda Street, Somiari Estate, Tere-ama Off Abuloma Road, Port Harcourt, Rivers State.
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Married
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession University Lecturer , Administrator
Working Experience
Last Update

“Please send your updated CV to: [email protected]” – Editor

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