B.A, M.Sc, Ph.D.; publisher, educationist author, broadcaster, administrator, b: January 12,1947; p: Emekuku; ht: Egbu;Iga:OwerriNorth;so: Imo;m: Nze HerbertChikwe; nc: two s, two d; ed: QueensCollege,Lagos,1960-63;QueensSchool,Enugu,1964;Advanced Teachers Training College,Owerri, 1966-68; 1970-71; College of Noitre Dame,Maryland, USA, 1974;QueensCollegeoftheCityUniversity ofNew ..York, Flushing, USA, 1976;University ofNigeria, Nsukka, 1977; cr Tutor, Queen's School, Enugu, 1972-74; Girls Secondary School, Awkunanaw, 1977-78; Lecturer, Institute ofManagement & Technology, Enugu, 1978, Producer, Anambra Broadcastir^t^rporati 1978-79,snr. Producer, 197940;ag. HeadofDepartmentEducation, ABC, 1981;prin. Producer, 1981-84; HeadofDepartment(Talks),ABC, 1982-84;dir.ADARice Project Anambra State, 1987*91; comm. for Women, Anambra State, 1991-93; Publisher/ceo. Prime TimeLimited;min. ofTransport, Federal Republio of Nigeria, 1999*2000; min. Aviation, Federal Republic ofNigeria,2000-03; amb. ofthe Federal Republic ofNigeria to Ireland, 2008;mm: Imo State Government Committeefor the Review andSettingup ofFMRadioStation and Imo Broadcasting Services, 1987;AdvisoryCommittee, Eziokwu bu Ndu Women Activities, NPN, Anambra State, 1982*83; ch. Establishment Committee, Nigeria Students Loans Board, Abuja, 1988*93; Advisory Committee,BetterLife forRuralWomen,AnambraState;1988-93; Foundation Member, AdvisoryBody; Imo StateWocn'a Cooperatives, 1993; Zonal, UNCPWomenIxad^trJupForum,Imo State, 1997*98; Publishers Association ofNigeria;Family SupportInter-Ministerial Planning Committee, ImoState, 1995; ImoStateTourism Board, 1995-96; Family Support Trust Fund, Imo State, Convener, PDP, National and Staje, 1998; Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board(JAMB), 2005;mm/sec. Presidential Policy Advisory Committee, 1999; Representative, Peoples Democratic Party, Special Vision 2010Workshop, Abuja,1999;ConsultantWorldBank/NTACommunication Pilot Project, 1994; v-presd.Owerri Chamber ofCommerce and Industry, Mines andAgriculture, 1994-99; International Reading Association, USA, since1994; exec. International Girl ChildOrganisation, USA, since1990; ah: Crash Programme Awardby Federal Ministry ofEducation, 1970-71; Nominee for the French one-year abroad course by French Embassy and Bureau forExternal Aid, 1972*73; EastCentral SlateScholarship, 1975*76; Scholarship by Federal MinistryofEducation,Honorary Doctorate Degree, Federal University ofTechnoIogy, Akure,October2002;twbl: Doofos&cref. Longman, 1992; Kame Chameleon Tours the Garden, Prime Tune Ltd., 1992; First Day at Schoolfor Adaeze, PrimeTime Ltd, 1992;co-author, Education In Nigeria: Nathan Ejiogu as CaseStudy, editedby Prof. R.O. Ohuchc andAlice Ndu, 1991;Women ofMyEra, PrimeTuneLtd.,2003;tt: Ariri-erimba, by Eze Ebubcdike II, Chairman ofOwerri North Councilof Traditional Rulers; pp: National Party ofNigeria-^Asptront Federal House of Representative, United Nigeria Congress Party; Founding mem. Peoples National Forum; ex-officio, National ExecutiveCouncil, Peoples Democratic Party; sc:ClubFeminique, Enugu; Harrods BeautyClub, U.K; hob:women andchildren's issues, emoronmental preservation interests, politics, travelling, gardening, cooking, reading, writing,music; off: Embassy ofNigeria, 56, Leesea Park, Dublin 6, Ireland.
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Publisher , Educationist , Broadcaster , Administrator
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