Retired police officer, bom March 18, 1942, Katsina; married with children; Education: Central Elementary School, Katsina, 1950- 52, Middle School, Katsina, 1953-54, Pro vincial Secondary School, Zaria, 1956-61, Barewa College, Zaria, 1962-63, Detective Training Course, Wakefield, United King dom, 1967, Overseas Officers' Course in Police Administration, USA, 1973, Specialised Course in Security Investigation, Washington DC, USA, 1973, MilitaryIntel ligence Course, Military Institute, USA, 1973, Instructor's Course, Police Training School, England, 1975, Command Course, Police StaffCollege, Jos, 1980, National In stitute for Policy and Strategic Studies, Kuru, 1981; Career: Worked in the Nigeria Po lice Force, rose to the rank of InspectorGen eral; Member, Nigerian Institute of Policy and Strategic Studies, Kuru, Jos, 1991; Tra ditional Title: Sardanna of Katsina, 1999; Honour/Awards: Recipient, Grand Com mander of the Order of the Niger, 1998; Recipient, LongService Medal, 1976; recipi ent, National Service Medal, 1977; recipi ent, Republic Medal, 1977; recipient, Sil ver Jubilee Anniversary Medal, 1985;recipi ent, Nigeria Police Medal, 1990; recipient, Grand Commander ofthe Order ofthe Niger, 1998; Honorary Degree: awarded, Doctor ate Degree in Law, Imo State University, Owerri, 1998; Publications: Law, Religion and Security as Factors for Stability in Nigeria s Third Republic, 1988; Treat to In ternal Security, Joint Police/MilitaryTrain ing Week, Kano, 1988; Treat to Internal Se curity, The Procedure of Hand-over to the Military bythe Police, 1989; LawEnforce mentfor Socio-Economic Development in Nigeria in the Third Republic, 1991; Hob bies: Reading, playingsquashracket.Home: Katsina, Katsina State.
Marital Status
- Married
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Father's Status
Mother's Name
Mother's Status
Police Officer , Administrator
Working Experience
Last Update
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