DADZIE, Matt Louis



Matt Louis

television producer, director,theaterartsconsultant; b: February 25,1950; p: IjebuOde;m: SiyaAmandaErekosima; nc:two s, fourd; HolyFamilyPrimary School, Sokoto, 1956-62; St. Malachy's College, Minna, 1964-68; Universityoflbadan, 1973-75; Television Training Institute, 1981; cr: School Teacher, Our Lady Fatima Primary School, Gusau,ZanfaraState, 1969-73;Television producerand dir. NTA Sokoto, Sokoto State, 1975-83; Programme Manager, NTA (NationalProductions) JosBaselocation, JosPlateau State;md. EpitomeProductions480 Hospital PlaceDogon Karfe, P.O. Box 1418, Jos, Plateau State; Guest Lecturer NAT/TV College and Nigeria Firm Institute, Jos, Theatre Consultant to UNICFZoneD,NTA Drama ScriptWritingWorkshop;mm: AfricanCouncil forCommunication Education ACCE, Jos Chapter; NigeriaInstitute of Public Relation Plateau StateChapter, AssociationofTourism Parishioners' ofNigeria, Plateau State Chapter; Independent Television Producers of Nigeria; AssociationofNigeria Theatre Arts Practitioners Plateau State chapter, award: Meritaward fromURTNA, 1983; BestActor,25 yearsof TV inNigeria, 1984;NTA Bestdir. 1985,99; Meritaward onthecontribution ofTheatreandDrama, Nigerian Jaycee Universityof Jos,Lorn, 1990; award for contribution to Nigerian Soap Operas, Association ofTheatre Arts StudentsAssociationDepartmentofTheatreArts, UniversityofJos, 1991; CreativityperExcellenceAward,UniversityofJos LiterarySociety, 1992; Meritaward forcontribution to Dramain Nigeria, 1992;cw: Cockcrow at Dawn (TV serial) Behind the Clouds (TV serial) Riddlesa Hopes (TV Serial), sc: Lion Club, Plateau Chapter; Plateau Games Club, Jos; hob: reading, writing,musicandtraveling; off: EpitomeProduction,480 Hospital Place, Dogon Karfe Jos, P.O.Box 1418, Jos.
Gender: Male
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Mother's Name
Profession Media Practitioner , Theater Art Consultant
Working Experience
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