DAFINONE, Chief David Omueya



David Omueya

B.Sc, DPA, economist, administrator, chartered ac countant, politician, bom March 12, 1927, Sapele, Delta State; married Cynthia Estella 1957, three sons, two daughters; Education: Benin Government School, kdo College, Benin Cityj. Abeokuta Grammar School, 1934-45, University of Exeter, England, 1951-53, LondonUniversity, 1958; Career: Joined the Civil Service in Kaduna, 1946; appointed Commissioner to investigate the assets of public officers in Midwest State, 1967-68; Arbitrator of Federal Government underthe PortsAmendment Act, 1969;mem ber, Federal Government Commission on the Apapa Road Project Tribunal, 1970; Com missioner to investigate the Affairs ofthe Ni gerianPoolsCompanyLimited, 1971;Direc tor, Central Bank ofNigeria, 1971-76; Di rector of 12 private and public companies, 1971-79;Consultant to ascertain thecompen sation payable to GulfOil Company (Nige ria)Limited, Mobil Producing Company and Shell (Nigeria) Limited, on Government ac quisition of Majority interest In these com panies, 1975-76; Senator, National Assem bly, 1979-83; Chairman, Senate Committees on Commerce, Industries,National Planning and Steel Development, 1979-83; Federal Minister of Mines, Power & Steel, Consult ant on Partial Privatisation and Commercial isation of Federal Steel Mills, 1987; Arbi trator, Nigerian Security Printing and Mint ingCompany Limitedand Thomasde La Rue Limited, UnitedKingdom; Consultant to the Federal Government, for the completion of the Third Mainland Bridge, 1990-91;Chair man,D. O. Dafinoneand Company,Chartered Accountants, Lagos; Member, Committee to Review the Administration of Indirect Taxa tion inthe FederalRepublicofNigeria, 1991; Consultant, Assessment ofOperations ofthe Nigerian Bank for Commerce and Industry; member, Vision 2010, Committee, 1996-97; Chairman, Torrey Memorial Trust; associ ate, Institute ofChartered Accountants in En gland and Wales, 1962; fellow, Institute of Chartered Accountants inEnglandand Wales, 1970; fellow, Institute ofChartered Accoun tants ofNigeria, 1970;member, Nigerian In stitute of International Affairs, 1979; mem ber, Urban Land Institute of America, since 1992;fellow, National Geographical Society, 1995; fellow, International Biographical So ciety of Great Britain and the United States of America, 1990; partner member, Howath International; Award/Honour: Recipient, Certificate of Excellence for Professional Practice, by Delta State Government, 1997; awarded, Officer ofthe Order ofthe Federal Republic, 1988; Political Party: Member, defunct National Party ofNigeria, 1979-83; Senator, National Assembly (representing Bendel South Constituency), 1979-83;Mem ber, Peoples Democratic Party, since 1998; Traditional Title: Owhere I of Okpe King dom; Hobbies: Swimming, reading, football, table tennis; Official Address: CEDDITow ers, 16,WharfRoad, Apapa, P.O. Box2151, Marina, Lagos; Telephone: 01-587-4777,01- 545-1863-5; Fax: 545-2384-5; E-mail: [email protected]. Residence: 15, Forcados Road, Apapa, Lagos; Telephone: 01-587-4777,587-4353.
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Single
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession Economist , Administrator , Politician , Chartered Accountant
Working Experience
Last Update

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