DAMCIDA, Alhaji Ibrahim Maina



Ibrahim Maina

, ACIS, chartered secretary, businessman, administra tor, bom May 15, 1933, Biu; Bomo State; married Halima, has children; Education: Biu Central Elementary School, 1939-43, Bomo Middle School, 1944-46, Kaduna Col lege, 1947-48,Zaria Secondary School, 1949- 50, Westminster College, London, 1954-56, North-Western Polytechnic, London, 1956- 58, Economic Development Institute ofthe World Bank, Washington DC, USA, 1965; Trainee Manager, John Holt, 1951-53; Ca reer: Appointed TraineeManager, JohnHolt, 1951-53; Accountant (Commercial), Minis try ofTrade and Industries, defunct Northern Region, 1959-61; Principal Commercial Of ficer,Northern Region, 1961 -62; DeputyPer manent Secretary (Industries), Federal Min istry of Commerce and Industries, Lagos, J962-65; Deputy Permanent Secretary, Fed eral Ministry ofFinance, 1965-66;Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Trade, 1966- 71 and Ministry of Defence, 1971-75; cur rently Chairman, Nigerian-American Mer chant BankLimited, Lagos; Chairman, Enpee Industries Limited; Chairman, JLGT Con struction Company Limited;Chairman, Capi tal Resources Nigeria Limited; Chairman, L.M. Ericsson Nigeria Limited; Chairman, Arcee Textile Industry Limited; chairman, Bibafoam Industries Limited; chairman, Damson Properties Limited; chairman, Veg etable &Fruit Processing Company Limited; director; Nigerian Technical Company Lim ited; Afprint Pic; Director, Mcdermort Nige ria Limited; director, GEC Nigeria Electrical Plant Limited; director, Valid Assurance Lim ited; director, Evans Medical Pic; director, Trevi Foundation; director, Bhojson Indus tries Pic; chevron Nigeria Pic; director, Texaco Nigeria Pic; director, Dynamic Indus tries; member, Institute of Chartered Secre taries; member, Vision 2010; committee; fel low, Economic Development Institute, World Bank, Washington, USA; member, Chartered Institute ofSecretaries; fellow, Economic De velopment Institute, World Bank, Washing ton, USA; member, lkoyi Club, Lagos; Hob bies: football, swimming; Official Address: Office ofthe Chairman, Nigerian-American Merchant Bank Limited, Boston House, 10/ 12, Macarthy Street, PO Box 8616, Lagos State. Telephone: 01-260-0360, 260-1080- 4; Fax: 01-263-2363.
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Single
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession Administrator , Businessman
Working Experience
Last Update

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