DANTATA, Alhaji Aminu




Businessman, Politician by(Kehinde Bamigbetan). Aminu Dantata, born on 19 May 1931 to the wealthy household ofthe Dantatas in Kano, wasspared theeconomic problems ofhis contemporaries. Atatimewhen manyfamilies inthenorthlacked the wherewithal to send their children to the schools set up by the colonial government, Aminu's father wasso wealthythat hiseducationwasguaranteed. Hewasenrolled in DalaPrimary School in 1938. and heobtainedhis FirstSchool LeavingCertificate in 1945. Inthe same year, he wasenrolled inDantata School, Kano - owned by his family - for hissec ondary education. He spent five years in this school, sat for the final examinations andsuccessfully obtained thesec ondary schoolcertificate.This wasahighstandardto achieve in those days considering the inadequate number of schools and teachers available. This explains his immediate formal entry into thefamily's trading business, a development which ledtohisappointment asdirectorandproduce buyer of the company - Alhassan DantataandSons Lim ited. Thetrading firm hadcarved a niche intheexportoriented colonial economy, essentially as a buyer of produce from peasants located in far-flung villages in the defunct northern region. The appointment of Aminu as the district manager, Sokoto in 1951 re flectedthe complexity and size ofthe company's op erations inthe export sector. Fouryears after, Aminu's excellent performance earned him a meteoric rise. He was appointed the assistant managingdirector, Sokoto Province. Follow ing his excellent handling of this position, he became chairman and managing director, Dantata c£ Sons Limited in 1961. Ilis entry into partisan politics seemed inevita ble considering the extensive influence politics con fers on its practitioners and the adverse effects that policies oftheemerging regional government could haveonthecompany's operation. Inan apparent bid to protect investments and offerleadership to the new nation, he contested the 1959 general election and won. Thiswas how hebecame a member of the defunct Northern Regional Assembly. Between 1960 and 1961, Aminu Dantata participated actively asa parliamentarian and politician in the development o f the economy. As a result of his contributions to economic policy, he was appointed a member oftheNigerian Economic Mission which toured major countries oftheworld in 1961, seeking theassistance and co-operation ofbusiness men and governments ofadvanced countries to help Nigeria achieve industrial development. The report was a major input to the nation's firstdevelopment plan after independence. He also played a prominent role inthe establish ment of the country's first and foremost industrial andfinancial institution, theNigerian Industrial De velopment Bank (NIDB). As a member ofthe steer ingcommittee, hehelpedactualizethe nation's dream to create a financial anchor for its investment needs. In recognition ofthis achievement, Dantata was appointed a director ofNIDB at inception. He held this position until thesoldiers rudely hijacked power inJanuary 1966. Although the ArmyforcedDantata out of office as a parliamentarian and NIDB board member(among other official designations), he had hardly settled down to hisbusiness when thepatriotic calltoservehis fatherland brought himbackto public service. Following thedivisionofthe fourregionsofthe First Republic into 12 states by the government of Col. Yakubu Gowon in May 1967, Dantata was ap pointed the pioneer commissioner for Planning and Development.Hisexposure to development econom ics while on the NIDB board and his numerous con tacts in the global business world made him the right choice for this assignment. It is to his credit that the pioneer industries set up by the Kano State govern ment at the time, still exist. He was also able to for mulate the stale's industrial policy which has guided subsequent regimes. By 1970, the achievements recorded by Dantata were so commendablethat the government expanded his portfolio by appointing him the commissioner for Planning, Trade and Industry, ajob in which he was able to combine his experience as a merchant and industrialist. More than 13 years in public administration, however, seemed to have had an adverse effect on his business. In 1973, he voluntarily resigned to en able him devote his time and energy to his business. Aminu Dantata has spent the past two decades expanding the scope of his business. He lives in Kano with his family.
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Single
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession Politician , Businessman
Working Experience
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