DIEJOMAOH, Prof. Vreraudia Penda

A.B., A.M. Ph.D; academic; international consultant, administrator,b: March2,1940; p: Ughelli;so: Delta; married; nc: two s; cd: Government College, Ughelli; Princeton University, Princeton,New Jersey, USA, 1961-64; Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 1964-68; cr Teacher, HusseyCollege, Warri, 1961; Research Asst, Office of Population Research, Princeton University, 1963; Research Economist, BusinessEconomics Dept.,W.R. Grace&Co., New York, 1964-68;Lecturer in Economics, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 1967-68; Lecturer II, Economics, University of Lagos, 1968-70; Lecturer 1,1970-72; Snr. Lecturer, 1972-75; Ag.Dir., Human Resources Research Unit, 1973-75; Assoc.Prof., 1975- 77; Ag.Head, Deptof Economics, 1975-77; Prof, of Economics, 1977-87; . Head^Dept of Economics, 1977-78; 1980-81; Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, 1978-79; dir., Nigerian Institute of Social andEconomic Research, Ibadan, 1981-83; dir-gen., NISER, 1983-85; dir/ChiefTechnical Adviser, KbZtebs and Skills Programme for Africa (JASPA), AddisAbaba, 1985-93; dir., 1LO, Eastern Africa Multidisciplinary AdvisoryTeam (EAMAT), Addis Ababa, 1993-2000; din, ILO Area Office and Eastern Africa Multidisciplinary AdvisoryTeam, Addis Ababa, 1997-2000; Retired from Regular Budget KOService, 2000; ILO Consultant for thePreparation oftheILO Declaration Project Strengthening Labour Relations inEast Africa, May/June, 2000; ILO/UNDP Consultant forthe Evaluation ofthe Ghana Poverty Eradication Programme, August 2000; ILO Consultant for the finalization of ILO/ UNDPJobs for Africa Investment for Poverty Reducing Employment(1PRE) Reports, Nigeria, Uganda, Zambia, September-November, 2000; Chief Technical Adviser. ILO Strengthening of Labour Relations inEast Africa Project, 2001-06; Technical Adviser to ILO Office, Dar esSalaam, and Tanzania Ministry of Labour, Employment and Youth Development, on Employment Policy and Programmes, 2006-07; Visiting Research Fellow, Institute ofDevelopment Studies, University ofNairobi, 1969-70; Schofield Fellow, Christ's College, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, 1972-73; Visitor, Nuffied College, University ofOxford, Oxford, England, 1979-80; ee: Ahmadu Bello University, Dept. of Economics, 1975-76; United Nations Regional Institute for Population Studies, University of Ghana, 1975; Dept. ofEconomics, University ofCape Coast, Ghana, 1976- 77; Dept. ofEconomics, University ofSierra-Leone, Fourah Bay College, 1976; 1977; 1978; etc; Consultant to Mid-West State ofNigeria for the Preparation oftheThird National Development Plan, 1975-80; 1973-74; ch., National Manpower Board, Federal Republic ofNigeria, 1976-83; National Committeeon Social Security System forNigeria, 1983-84; National AdvisoryCommittee onStatistics, Nigeria, 1982-84; mm: Advisory Group ofConsultants, Information andPublications Programme, Human Resources Development Dept, ILO, Geneva, 1973; Panel of Experts on the Methodology of Human Resources Indicators, and Indicators ofSocial and Economic Development, UNESCO, Paris, 1969; 1970; 1973; 1976; Mid- Western State ofNigeria Economic Planning Committee, 1973-75; Steering Group onEducation and Employment, World Employment Programme, ILO, Geneva, 1974; Odje Commission of Inquiry into All (75) Boards, Corporations and State-owned Companies, Mid-West State, 1975-76; Constitution Drafting Committee, 1975-76; Appointment andPromotions Committee, Nigerian Institute for International Affairs, 1975-78; Nigerian Decimal Currency Board, 1972-73; etc; ILO Coordinator, UN. Inter-Agency Task Force on Component 15ofUN System-wideSpecial Initiative on AfricaTitles"PovertyReduction through Support tothe Informal Sector and Employment Generating Opportunities" and Joint author of the Component Report Regional Progamme of Action, 1996-2000; publ: Economic Development in Nigeria, Industrial RelationsSection,Princeton University, 1965; co-author, Non-Formal Education inAfrican Development African-American Institute,New York, 1972;The Political Economy of Income Distribution in Nigeria, Holmes and Myers, New York, 1981; Economics for West Africa, Heinemann, London, 1987; Manpower Constraints on Nigerian Economic Development, Lagos, 1985;Jobs for Young People: A Way to a Better Future, Commonwealth Secretariat, London, 1987; etc; and many articles in learned journals; ah: African Scholarship ProgrammeofAmerican Universities (ASPAU) Scholar, 1961- 64; Winner, Percy Allen Jr. Prize for the best Undergraduate Honours Thesis in Applied Economics, Princeton University, 1964; Federal Government ofNigeria Scholar, 1964-66; USAID/University ofLagos Scholar, 1966-68;Schofield Scholarship/Fellow Christ'sCollege,Cambridge University,England, 1972-73;h: Fellow,Social ScienceAcademy ofNigeria, since2001; DistinguishedFellow, NigerianInstituteofSocialand Economic Research, since 2000; Fellow ofthe Nigerian Economic Society, since 1995; Snr. Inter-University Council (UK) Visiting Fellowship, 1979-80; off: International Consultanton Development,EmploymentandLabour, c/ o ILOOffice, United Nations House, P.M.B.2851, Garki, Abuja; tel: 234- 808-066-8917; e-m: [email protected].
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