DIKE, Dr. Azuka A.

B.A, M.Sc, Ph.D, university professor, born August 4 1934, Awka, Anambra State; married Virginia Weisell 1970, one son, four daughters; Edu cation: Brandeis University Waltham, Massachuset, USA, 1966-64;ColumbiaUni versity, New York, NewYork, USA, 1964- 66; New School for Social Research, New York, USA; Career: Worked as Lecturer of Sociology and Anthropology at several col leges in the USA, including Ramapo College, New Jersey, New School for Social Research, New York; appointed Lecturer I, II, & III, Department ofSociology and Anthropology, University ofNigeria, Nsukka, since 1975; Head, Department of Sociology and Anthro pology, UNN, 1982-85; currently Associate Professor of Sociology and Anthropology, U.N.N; appointed Head, Department of So ciology and Anthropology, UNN, 1998-Date; Chairman, National Commission for Muse ums & Monuments, 1991-94; Member and Director, Board ofGovernors, Anambra State University of Technology, 1990-91; Secre tary-General, Pan African Association ofAn thropologists, 1992-date; member, Interna tional Union of Anthropological and Ethno logical Science (member of its four commis sions); Publication: TheResilience ofIgbo Culture, Fourth Dimension Publishers, Enugu; Hobbies: Table tennis, walking; Of ficial Address: Department ofSociology and Anthropology, University ofNigeria, Nsukka; Telephone: 042-770484; Residential Ad dress: 8, Mbonu Ojike Street, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State.
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