DIKO, Inuwa

MLS, librarian, bom Decem ber 7, 1942, Zaria, Kaduna State; married Hadiza 1972, four daughters; Education:. Junior Primary Schools, Zaria City and Tudun Wada, Zaria, 1952-55, Senior Primary School,Giwa,Zaria, 1956-58,Provincial Sec ondary School, Zaria, 1959-63, School of Librarianship, North-Westem Polytechnic, London, 1965-67,Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1976-78,1985-86; Career: Appointed Library Assistant, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1964; Senior Library Assistant, ABU, Zaria, 1968; Assistant Librarian, ABU, Zaria, 1971; Sub-Librarian, ABU, Zaria, 1974; Li brarian, ABU, Zaria, 1976; Senior Librarian, ABU, Zaria, 1978; Director of Library Ser vices, Kaduna State, 1979-80: Principal Li brarian,ABU,Zaria, 1980;ManagingDirec tor, Ahmadu Bello University Press, Zaria, 1981-84: acting Deputy Librarian and later Deputy Librarian, Kashim Ibrahim Library, Ahmadu Bello University,Zaria, since 1986; associate, Library Association, UK, 1986; member, British Library Association; mem ber, Nigerian LibraryAssociation; Publica tions: IlmiBaGadoBa, NemiNaka, Kaduna, Library Board, 1979; Hausa ByTVStudy Ma terial, NNPC, Zaria, 1982; Tarjamar Ma 'anonin Alkur 'ani Mai Girma: Abubakar Mahmud Gumi, 1982; Co-author, Littanfin Rubutuna - Books 1-6, Primers, Koda Pub lishers, Benin, 1983; Tafiyar Goga Tsibirin Lillifa: ATranslation ofGulliver's Travel to Lilliput, Longman, Zaria, 1983; in addition to manyplayswritten andpresented in Hausa on radio and television; Hobbies: photogra phy, travelling; Official Address: Kashim Ibrahim Library, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria,KadunaState.Telephone: 069-505-53; Home: 20, Sarkin Musulm Road, Area A, Samaro Zaria, Kaduna State.
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