DIM, Prof. Lawrence Anikwe

B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D; physicist, lecturer, b: November II, 1949; P: Akpo; Iga: Aguata; so: Anambra; married with Children; ed: WMGS,Onitsha,1961-65;AICEOwerri, 1967-71; University ofNigeria, Nsukka, 1974-77; University ofWashington, USA, 1980-83; Chaimas University ofTechnoIogy, Gotebor, Sweden, 1985-86;Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, T986-91; University oftheWest Indies, Kingston, Jamaica, 1995-96; cr Teacher, Okigwe National High School, Okigwe, 1971;Teacher,UwaniTeachersTrainingCollege, Uwani, Enugu, 1971-73; Teacher, NgwoGirls' Secondary School, Ngwo via Enugu, 1973-74;Teacher, Government Secondary School, Monguno, Borno State, 1977-78;Teacher, Boys High School,Awkunanaw, 1978-79; Lecturer, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, since 1979; Prof, ofPhysics, Ahmadu Bello University, since 2001; Associateship.r>epartmentofEarth and Space Sciences, UniversityofScience and Technology.Chins, 1994; Visiting Research Fellow, Centre for Nuclear Sctenccs,UniversityofWest Indies, 1995-96;e«Nigerian DefenceAcademy, Kaduna,1998-2000; Federal UniversityofTechnoIogy,Minna,since2000; Chairman, LocalOrganizingCommittee:Conferenceon NuclearMethods, heldat KongoConferenceHotel,Zaria, 1992;23"*AnnualConference of Nigeria InstituteofPhysics,AhmaduBelloUniversity, Zaria, 2000;National Workshop on the Uses of Neutrons in Agriculture, Food and Energy Resources,Ahmadu BelloUniversity, Zaria; National SeminaronRegulatory FrameworkNuclear and for Radiation Safety in Nigeria,Ahmadu bello University, Zaria, 2001; Ahmadu Bello University Fellowship award, UniversityofWashington, Seatle, 1980-83; Fellow, International Programs, Physics andChemistry Uppsala University, Sudden, 1986-87; 1987-88; 1988-89; 1989-90;ThirdWorldAcademyof Sciences,ah: Eastern Nigeria ScholarshipAward, l%1^5;ArtambraStateGovemmentSchoIarshtpAward, 1974-77; Federal GovernmentofNigeria ScholarshipAward, 1980; publ: AbsoluteNAA Determination ofGold,AU in rocksamples usingAm-Be source; Precision and Limits; Nig.Joumai of Physics, 1989; co-author, High Energy Beta rays and Vectors of Bilharzia andFasciola, Radiation Effects Express 1,1988; Calibration ofgamma Spectrometer for qualitative and quantitative analysis of neutron irradiated samples, Nigeria Joumai of Physics, 1991; co-author, Non-Destructive XRF Analysis ofNigerian and Kayan Clays, J Radio analysis Nuclear Chemical, 1997; Horizontal and VerticalInstrumentbuttonof Selected Metals in the KubantnRiver,Nigeria asdetermined by Neutron Activation Analysis, Common Soil Science, Plant Analysis, 1999; Determination of some elements in Ageratum Conyziodes aTropical Medicinal Plant using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis, Journal of Radia analytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2004 and many other publications including conference proceedings; off: Centre fbr Energy Research and Training/Department of Physis, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, P.M.B 1014; e-m: [email protected]; tel: 069-551352/550397; 08035999389; 08023635501; fax: 069r550737.
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