DOKWA, Ladi Tsokashi JP

B.Sc; civil servant tourism administrator, b: June 6, 1960; p: Gindiri; ht: Foron; Iga: Bakin Udi; so: Plateau; m: Single; ed: Demonstration School, Gindiri, 1967-73; Girls' High School, Gindiri, 1973-77; Northern Virginia Community College, Annandale, Virginia, USA, 1977-79; Florida International University, Florida, USA, 1981 -82;GalileeCollege, Israel,1996;cr: CateringOfficer, Plateau State House of Assembly, Jos, 1979-81; Trainee asst. mgr. NYSC, Plateau Hotel, Jos, 1983-84;Engaged in running family bakery, 1985;Lecturer, Hotel Management and Tourism Department, Plateau State Polytechnic, Barkin Udi, 1986-89; snr. Operations Officer, Plateau State Tourism Corporation, 1989; Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation(NTDC): Lecturer, NationalInstitute for HospitalityandTourism Studies, Bagauda, Kano,andChiefTourism Officer, NTDC Headquarters, Abuja, 1990-96; asst din/Zonal Coordinator,North EastZone and NorthWest Zone, NTDC, 1996-2000;gm. Plateau State Tourism Corporation,2000-05; dep. dir. Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation (NTDC), 2005-06; ag. dir. National Institute for Hospitality and Tourism (NIHOTOUR), Abuja, February-July, 2006; dir. Planning, Researchand Statistics, NIHOTOUR, since 2006; ag. d-g. NIHOTOUR, April 18-May 8,2006, February-March, 2009; e-e: Department ofHotel Management and Catering, Plateau State Polytechnic, Barkin Udi, 1998-2000, since 2007; Departmentof Hotel Management and Catering, Kaduna Polytechnic, 1999; Adjudicator, Traditional Cuisine, NAFEST, 1992; mm: Editorial Board,NTDC, 1998; Board,GhasakaGumti NationalPark,1998-99; Committee,Beautification ofJos and Environs, 2000; Planning Committee. PresidentialCouncil on Tourism, Plateau State,2003;Committee,Foundation Uying Ceremony of the Mangu Regional Water Supply, 2004; Committee on Improved Services,Church ofChrist in Nigeria, since 2005;Centre for Development Studies, University of Jos Research Team 'on Tourism and Wildlife Conservation, PlateauState, 2005; Reform ImplementationCommittee, NIHOTOUR, 2006; Committee on United Nations World Tourism Organisation Global CodeofEthicsforTourism, 2007;Plateau StateStrategic Development Plan, since 2008; Planning Committee, Special Retreat, Federal Ministry ofTourism, Culture and National Orientation and its Agencies, February 2009; Forestry Association ofNigeria,Jos; Museum Society ofNigeria, Jos;.Association of Tourism Practitioners ofNigeria (ATPN),Jos; UniversityofJos Tourism StudyGroup; International Institute for Training, Research and Development Abuja; Cultural Exchange Programme, Nigeria-Trinidad andTobago; International Institute forPeace through Tourism, Nigeria; ch: Tourism Sub-Committee, Plateau State Economic Empowerment andDevelopment Strategy (SEEDS),2004; Job Description Committee, NIHOTOURi 2006; Planning Committee, NIHOTOUR@20,2007; edit:NIHOTOUR Today(Newsletter), since2006; award; Award for Contribution totheDevelopmentofTourism and Economy ofPlateau State, by Rotary Clubof Naraguta, Jos, 2001/02; Honourary Association of lAMs, Institute of ArcheologyandMuseumStudies,2003; Tourism Homemaker Award,by Youth Tourism and Hospitality Club, University of Jos* 2003; Certificate of Merit by Newsgate Communications Limited, 2005; DistinguishedWoman Administrator Award, by Plateau Law Students' Association, University of Jos, 2006; Attended over 30 Seminars/Workshops inandoutsideNigeria; Visitedover20 foreign countries; Seminar Papers; Hygiene Practices in Food Handling, Kano, 1998; SustainableHospitality and Tourism Industryin Nigeria, Jos, 2005; The Roleofthe Berom Peoplein Tourism Developmentin PlateauState,2006; Cleanliness intheHospitality Industry; GlobalCodeofEthicsin Tourism andChallenges in Nigeria, Oshogbo, 2007;QualityServiceDelivery: A Prerequisitefor theGr) vthofHotelsandResorts, Jos,2007;sc:Shalom Club;RayfieldGolf Club, Jos;hob: traveling, cooking, stampcollecting, reading, listening to gospel music, tennis, photography, off: National InstituteforHospitality &Tourism,3, Hargeysa Street offAccra Street WuseZone5, P.M.B. 543,Garki,Abuja;tel: 09-5241384,08034534142, 08050792525; res:AminuKano CrescentAbuja; e-m: [email protected].
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