DUROJAIYE, Prof. Bamidele Olufisan

BSc, M.Sc, Ph.D., agricultural economist, university teacher, b: May 11,1954; p: Ibadan; so: Oyo; wife (deceased); nc: three s, one d; ed: Ogbogbo Baptist Primary School, Ogbogbo, 1960-61; Abiola Jacobs Primary School, Oke-Foko, Ibadan, 1962-66; Olivet Baptist High School, Olivet Heights, Oyo, Oyo State, 1967-71;GovemmentCollege,lbadan,OyoState, 1972-73; University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State, 1973-76; University ofArizona,Tucson, USA, 1979-81; Universityoflbadan, Oyo State, 1981-85. cr Research asst, Department ofAgricultural Economics, University ofArizona, Tucson, USA, 1980-81; Lecturer II, Department of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management, Ogun State University, Ago-Iwoye, 1983-85; Lecturer I, Department ofAgricultural Economics and Farm Management Ogun State University.Ago-Iwoye, 1985-88; ag. Head, DepartmentofAgricultural Economics and Farm Management, Ogun State University, Ago-lwoye, Ogun State, 1986-88; Head, Department ofAgricultural Economics and Farm Management, Ogun State University, Ago-lwoye, 1988-90; visitor, Department ofAgricultural and Resource Economics, The Universityof New England, Armidale, Australia, 1990-91; Reader, Department of Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Ogun State University, Ago-Iwoye, 1993; ag. Provost, College of Agricultural Sciences, Ogun State University, Ago-Iwoye, 1995; prof. Department of Agricultural \ Economics and Farm Management, Ogun State University, Ago-Iwoye, 1998; Academic Adviser, College ofAgricultural Sciences, 1983-84; mm. Review Panel, College ofAgricultural Science, 1983; Farm Planningand DevelopmentCommittee, CollegeofAgricultural Science,T 984-85; Research Subcommittee,College of Agricultural Sciences, 1983-84; 1988-89; 89- 90;Senate, since1985; Board ofStudies,College ofAgricultural Sciences, 1984; cb. Academic Staff Union of Nigerian Universiry, Ogun State University Branch, 1986-90; StaffAdviser, Rotaract Publication Committee, College of Agricultural Science, since 1993; StaffAdviser, Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Panel, B.Ed. Sandwich Programme, 1995; Department ofAgricultural EconomicsandExtension, 1987-96; Head, Consultancy Department NARDES (Nig)Limited (Resource Developers andConsultants), 1981-83; v-cn.Imosan Community DevelopmentCouncil, Imosan, Ogun State, 1989-90, reviewer, IfeJournal ofAgriculture, since 1989; member,RecruitmentInterview Panel, Ugos State Polytechnic, Isolo, since 1990; ee.M.Phil. Thesis, rjepartment of Agricultural Economics, 1990; reviewer, Journal ofAgriculture, Scienceand Technology, since 1991; AreaCorrespondent fbr Nigeria, International Network for Economic Method, 1992; mm. Recruitment Interview Panel, OgunStateCollege of Education, Ijagun, 1992; ec M.Sc. Thesis intheDepartment ofAgricultural Economics, ObafemiAwolowo University, lle-lfe, 1994; Ph.D. Thesis, Department ofAgricultural Economicsl University oflbadan, OyoState,. 1996; ah.Research Grant for Master'sThesisbytheInternational Agriculture Programme ofthe University ofArizona, 1980; Federal Government of Nigeria Scholarship for Ph.D. Degree, 1982 (not utilized); Winrock International ResearchGrant, 1988;CODESRIA ResearchGrant, 1992; Winrock International Research Grant,) 1994; sc: presd. Rotary Club of Ago-lwoye, District 911,1989-90; cb. Caretaker Committee, Egbe Bobagbimo(Okunrin)ofIjcbulartd, since1997; mni:Rockefeller Foundations Leadership for Environment and Development Programme; Nigerian AssoctationofAgricultural Economist; Nigerian Economic SocietyofNigeria; Farm Management Association of Nigeria; Society for International Development Network for Economic Method; International Association of Agricultural Economist; hob:listening totraditional music, indoor games andcamping; off:The Dean, College ofAg:(cultural Sciences, OgunState University, P.M.B 2020,Ago-Iwoye,Ogun State.
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