EBUEHI, Dr. Osaretin Albert Taiwo



Osaretin Albert Taiwo

B.Sc. M.Phil, Ph.D. M.B.A; neuroscientist, biochemist, lecturer, administrator; b: May 18, 1964; p: Benin City; lit: Benin City; lga: Oredo; so: Edo; m: September 14, 1996: nc: two s; ed: Agboghidi Primary School, Benin City, 1969-75; Edo College, Benin City, 1975-80; University of Lagos, 1981-85: 1986-89; 1990-94; 1998-99; cr: Quality Control Officer. Electricity Meter Co. Nig. Pic. 1983; 1984; Bookstore Secretary. Lagos Varsity Christian Union. University of Lagos, 1983-84; Graduate asst. College of Medicine. University of Lagos. 1988-94; Associate Lecturer, Lagos State University and University of Lagos; Lecturer II, Department of Biochemistry. College of Medicine, University of Lagos, 1995-96; Lecturer I. 1996-99; snr. Lecturer, since 1999; mm: Nutrition Society of Nigeria; Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology; Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Nigerian Association of Ph.D Graduates; Nigerian Association of Medicals Scientists: American Association for the Advancement of Science: British Council of Nigeria; New York Academy of Sciences; considered for promotion to aprof. by the Appointment and Promotions Committee, College of Medicine, University of Lagos, since 2002; ch: Curriculum and Training Committee. Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology, 1997-98; Ed.torial Advisory Board, co-publisher/founder. Food and Beverage News Magazine, sincc 1997; Education Committee Abiola International School. Ikeja, Lagos, since 2001; Second v-ch MOf m'C f^i Uni°n °f Universilies- University of Lagos Branch.' 2000-01; Academic Adviser, Christian Fellowship International University of Lagos Branch; Patron. National Association of Biochemistry Students. University of Lagos Branch, since 1997" Associate Editor, Nigerian Food Journal, since 2002: Representative on Senate of University of Lagos, sincc 2002: Editor-in-Chief. Nigerian Food Journal, s.nce 2004; ee: Biochemistry. Par. II MBBS Professional Examinations. College of Medical Sciences, University of Benin. Benin Uty. since 2003: mm: International Society of Neurochemis.ry: N.genan Society ol Neuroscience; Society of Neuroscicntists of Africa- Institute of Public Analysts of Nigeria: The Redeemed Christian Church' SSccii?e„n°cre, CrSM'iUnL". LPou^brlicaPtriOoVninCCCom2m- i,tkteceja;:BSocahr0d01ofofTrBuassteicesM. Cedhirciasl. Harvesters Ministries, since 1998; Board of Trustees. The Ministry of he Word of God, s.nce 1999; Faculty of Science. UNILAG Annual Lecture/Endowment Committee; Staff/Students Advisory Committee Faculty of Science. University of Lagos; Governing Council of the Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology. 1997-98- Postgraduate School Prospectus Editorial Committee. University of Lagos, 1999-2000; Committee for the Establishment or Degree Course Mslualrt WweTlfare^A"d.v^isor°yf CMoemdimCiinttCee'.UUnnivivcerrssii,tyy ooffLLaa=gooss,' sl°in9c9e-22000000-; bbvy KKLmORBErXv.gAAf«r'itc0aCn Sfcie^ntist, ABdiovsiscoieryncBe oRaredsseaorcfhJoCumoma,ms uPnuicsahtioends s.nce t2Z00'25; 'C^omSmmCuCni2c°a0ti2o:nECdoitm0rmialittBeeo.arLda'gNosi-"UCrniai"veFrsoiotyd MJoeudrnicaall Society, since 2002; Committee for the Establishment of Degree course mRadiography. College of Medicine. University of Ugos, 2002-03" Faculty ol Science Admission Screening Committee. 2003/04- 11th Prof. H. Onshejolomi Thomas Memorial Lecture Organisina committee. CMUL. 2004; Governing Council. Nigerian [nsritute of -ood Science and Technology, since 2004; ah: Best Year two Biochemistry Student, Nigerian Breweries Pic Prize. 1982/83- Best' year three student award, 1983/84; University of Lagos Postgraduate Scholarship/Bursary award, 1988-89; 1990-91; University of Lagos graduate assistantship. 1987-89: 1990-91; 1992-93; National Association of Biochemistry Students. Department of Biochemistry Un.versity of Lagos: Most Amiable Lecturer. 1999; Best Lecturer' since 1999: Most Inspiring Lecturer. 2002; hon. Lecturer: National lostgraduate Medical College of Nigeria, since 1998: La^os State Postgraduate Residency Training Programme, since 1998; publ: Industrial Applications of Genetic Engineering; The Helix Vol I No.l. PI5-19, 1987; Ebuechi. O.A. and Akinwande, A-l; Effect of dietary Protein deficiency on the incorporation of3H-glycine into brain s-100 Proteins in the rat. Nigeria journal of Physiol'Sciences vo.7; No.l.pg.27-31. 1991; Isolation and Purification ofbrain 5-100 Proteins from rat brains. Bioscience Research comm. vol. 4. No.l. pg.77-83. 1992; Effect of Maternal Protein Malnutrition on brain 5- 100 Proteins of the Progeny, Nigeria Medical Journal, vol.24; No.3. p.89-93; 1993; Effect of Protein and tryptophan! Malnutrition on the blood-brasin barrier. J. Pharmaceutical Science and Pharm.Prac.Vol.2, Nos. I & 2, pg. 19-25; 1994; and about 13 publications; hob: football, table-tennis, reading, writing; off: Department of Biochemistry, college ofMedicine, University ofLagos, Lagos: tel: 01-5453700. ext: 2249/2255; e-m: [email protected] res: 5, Omoyemi Street, off Toyin Street, Ikeja, Lagos State; pha: 53, Ozolua Street, E.C.2, Benin City, Edo State.
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Married
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Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession Neuroscientist , Biochemist , Administrator , Lecturer
Working Experience
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“Please send your updated CV to: [email protected]” – Editor

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