EDOZIEN, Prof. Emmanuel Chukwuma



Emmanuel Chukwuma

B.Sc, MA, Ph.D., university teacher, b: November 15, 1937,p: Enugu, married, nc: five; ed: University of Ibadan, Ibadan, 1962; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, 1962-66. cr: Lecturer II, Lecturer I, Senior Lecturer, University of Ibadan, 1967-75; Dean, Faculty of the Social Sciences, University of Ibadan, 1977-79; prof. Development and International Economics 1976-87; Economic Adviser, to the Nigerian President, 1979-83; Visiting prof. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 1984-86; Consultant, The President, Shaw University, Raleigh; dir: Globe Reinsurance Company Limited, Lagos; v-ch. Broad Bank Nigeria Limited, Lagos, AMNI International Petroleum Development Company; ch. CERTEL Nigeria Limited, Lagos, BEL Associates International Limited Ibadan; f: Rockefeller Foundation, Adlai E. Stevenson; Consultant, Bendel State Ministry of Economic Development, 1975-80; Consultant, Lagos State Ministry of Economic Development, 1975-80; Secretary, Nigerian Economic Society, 1972- 76; mm. Constitution Drafting Committee, 1975-76; ch. Panel, Federal Military Government Study on the Implications of banning all forms of gambling, Nigeria, 1978; founding ch: University of Ibadan Consultancy Services Unit, 1978-79; presd. Nigerian Economic Society 1978-79; ch: Technical Committee, Privatisation and Commercialisation, 1990; Special Adviser, Economic Affairs, to the presd. December-September 1983; ch. Board of Directors, New Nigeria Newspapers Corporation, Kaduna, 1978-80; mm: Appointments and Promotions Committee of Nigeria Institute of International Affairs (NIIA) 1978-81, Governing Council, Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research, 1977-79, Academic Planing Group, National Universities Commission, 1978, Board, Government-owned Ethiope Publishing Corporation, Benin, 1976-79, Economic Advisory Council, 1973-75, Bendel State Newspapers Corporation, (now Edo and Delta States), 1972-74; Housing Sub-Committee of the Adebo Salaries and Wages Review Commission, Bendel State Census Committee now Edo and Delta States, 1972; ch: Boardof Directors, University of Ibadan Consultancy Services, 1977-79; mm: American Economic Society. publ: Co-author, Economic Integration in West Africa Ibadan University Press, 1982; The Structure of Manufacturing Industry in Nigeria Ibadan University Press, 1981; Population Dynamics in West Africa Ibadan University Press; Edozien e.c, 1972; Some Aspects of Rural Industrialisation in Nigeria; Nigerian Economic Society: Papers and Proceedings, 1972, 1973; Progress on Nigeria's Second National Development Plan: The External Trade Sector, The Quarterly journal of Administration; Edozien e.c. Economic Aid and Nigeria's Development in V.P Diejomaoh and Teriba (Eds.) Essays in Honour of Professor Obasanmi Oladkanpo, Nigerian Economic Society, 1976; Edozien e.c,A Critical Assessment of the Role of Banks in the Nigerian Economy, Banks and the Nigerian Economy, 1982; The Stabilisation Act: Opportunities and Challenges, The Nigerian Stock Exchange, 1983; The Academic in Government, Federal Government of Nigeria Press, 1982. off: BEC Associates International Limited, 34Oba Olagbegi Avenue, Secretariat, P.O. Box 29010, Ibadan, Oyo State, tel: 02- 8101848. Fax: 02-8103322.
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Married
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession University Lecturer
Working Experience
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