EFRETUEI, Engr. Okon E




E: Eng ineer, Fornler Co mmi ssioner for Works and Transport, AKS, Principal Partner, Frekan Consultants; LGA: Oron; Born: Apr. 16, 1946; Pa: Mr. Gabriel E. Efretuci (d) and Mrs. Christiana E. Efretuei ; Married to Mrs Arit Okon Efretuei; Chil dren: Edet (20), Effiong ( 17), Ikwo (15), Arit (12), Nedak (8); Educa tion: Methodist Boys' High Oron, 196 1 - 68; WASC; Ahmadu Be llo Univ., Zaria, 1969 - 72; B.Sc Eng. Uni v. of Cincinnati, Founda tioniStructureB.Sc., M.Sc ., 1977, Career and Work History: Asst. Engin eer, Amaa and Associates,Calabar, 1972-73; Civil Eng in eer, Louis Berger Inc,Calabar and Kaduna 19 73 - 76, Senior Engineer Fredrick Harris Inc, New York, 1977-78; Senior Engineer, Amana Consulting Engin eers, Calabar 1979 - 80; Principal Engineer, Geotec hnical Engineering Services a nd FREKAN Co nsultants, Calabar; 198 I-present; Career Related Activities and Responsibilities: Soil field crew for the design of Calabar - ltu Road, Julius Berger Inc, Calabar, 1974 - 76; Site investigation for Shiroro Danl by the Nigcrian Foundation Services and So il Research Co ., Calabar and Kaduna, 1976; Creative Work: Correlation Between Cone Penetration Resistance a nd Sta nda rd Penetration in Parts of South Eastern Nigeria, (Pa ris 1994 No. 49). ; Civic and Political Activities: Co mmissioner for Wor ks and Transport, AKS Government, Uyo, 199 1 - 92; Recognitions: Fo rm prizes for outstanding acade mic performance, (Forms 1-6 ) Methodist Boys' High School, Oron, 1962 - 69; Professional Memberships: Fc llow, Nigerian Society of Engineers, Mem, Nigerian Road Federation, Mem, Nigerian Geot ec hnical Asscn ; Mem, Ame rican Society of Civil Eng ineers; Religious Affi liation: Methodist, Hobbies: Photography, Singing Hymns, Reading, Psychology: Eng. Efretuei has special interest in being of service to others especia lly to needy people from anywhere; Office: FREKAN CONSULTANTS, 33 Edge rley Road, P.O.Box 918. Ca labar, Cross River State.
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Married
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession Engineer
Working Experience
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