EGBOKA, Prof. Boniface Chnkwuka Ezeanyaoha



Boniface Chnkwuka Ezeanyaoha

B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D; university hydrogeotogist, lecturer, administrator, b: November11,1948; p: Umuchu; Iga: Aguata; so:Anambra;m: IfeomaCarolyn Egboka(neeAgharaX nc: six;cd: St Matthew's PrimarySchool, Umuchu,AnambraState, 1955- 60; St. Peter's Secondary School, Achina, Anambra State, 1961-65; Government College,Afikpo, EbonyiState, 1966-1967/70; University of Nigeria, Nsukka,EnuguState, 1971-74; University ofWaterloo,Waterloo, Ontario,Canada, 1976-80;Trieste, Italy,1990;cr: Snr.Science Master, St Peter'sSecortdarySchool,Achina,AnambraState, 1970-71; Hydro-geologist/ EngineeringGeologist (NYSC), Water Resources and Engineering Construction Agency, Kano State, 1974/75; Junior Fellow, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, 1975-80; Teaching Asst/Research Asst, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. I976-80;Lectuier,I3ept.ofGcc^gy,Unimsrty ofNigeria, Nsukka, 1980-82; Snr. Lecturer, Anambra StateUniversity of Technology, Enugu/Awka, 1982-84; Part time Lecturer of Hydrogeotogy, Dept. ofGeology and Mining, University ofJos, 1980-81; Assoc. Dean, FacuItyofApplied Physical Sciences,AnambraStateUniversityofTechnoIogy, Enugu, 1982-85; Head, DeptofGeotogical Sciences,AnambraState University ofTechnoIogy, 1985-87; 1989-91; Reader/Assoc Prof. ofGeotogical Sciences AnambraState University ofTechnoIogy, Enugu/Awka, 1984-87; Prof,of Geological Sciences,AnambraState University ofTechnoIogyandUter Nnamdi AzikiweUniversity, since 1987; Dean, Faculty of Physical Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe Univers't •-, Enugu/Awka, 1990-92; Dean, School of Postgraduate Studies,Nnat'di Azikiwe University, 2003-07; DeputyVice Chancellor(Administration^ Nnamdi Azikiwe University, 2007-08; Ag. Vice Chancellor, 20t)84»V«c*aHmce^^ Agricultural Land DevelopmentAuthorityofthePresidency,Abuja, (992-94; Editor-in-Chief, Water Resources,AJournal ofthoNigerian Association of Hydrogeotogists, 1989-92; ch.,Anambra State Erosion Control Authority. J992-95; Hon. CommissionerofWorks, Housing and Transport, Anambra State, 1995-97;Wr.ContirwingEducatioriA^trcach Programme, Nnamdi Azikiwe University; Awka, 1998-2000; Consultant, Federal Ministries of Environment and Science andTechnology, 2003-04; cc: M.Sc/Ph.D in Hydrogeology,AfmiaduI3elto University, 1986;Univcrsrrjomigeria, Nsukka, 1988,1990,1996;UnrvasnyofBenin, 1990; Federal UmwrsnyofTccrmology, Owerri,200l-03; University ofAbuja,2007etc, mm:life mem.Association of Geoscientists fbr International Development Bangkok, Thailand, since. 1978; Geological Society ofAmerica, 1976-80; Geological Association of . Canada, 1976-80; Nigerian Mining and Geo-SctcncesSc
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Married
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession Hydrogeotogist , Academia , Administrator
Working Experience
Last Update

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