EGWUATU, Aloyitea Azuka




JP, KSM, B.Sc;teacher, civil servant, administrator, b: November 30,1947;M: Ihiala; Iga: Ihiala; to: Anambra; m: Susanna OzorEgwuatu (neeEdumani), April23,1973;ac: two s, fhree d; ed: St. Martins Primary School, Ihialaj 1953-60; Abbot Secondary Grammar School, Ihiala, I96l«$5; Alvan Ikoku College of Education,0\vcrri, 1966-71; ObafemiAwolowoUniversity, Ije, 1975-78; . enTeacher/Vice Principalofvarious Schools, 1972*84; Principalofvarious .Schools, 1985-2000; PartyAdministrativeSec., Nsukka LocalGovernment ' 1990;ChiefSupervising Principal Zonal/Dir. ofEducation,Onitsha Zone, - 2000; Sec., State Education Commission, 2000-04; Perm Sec., Establishing PensionsandManagement Service,Awka,2004-06; Perm. Sec.,GeneralandSpecialServicesOffice, Government House, Awka,2006; currently, Honourable Commissioner, MinisttyofScienceartdTecluiology.Arc AllNigerian Conference of Principals of Secondary Schools(ANCOPSS), Anambra State Chapter, 1992-96; ch.,NUT, Ihiala Branch, 1989-92; ch., Ihiala LGA Secondary Schools Sports Sub-committee, 1994-96; mem, -NsukkaLGTransition to Civil RuleCommittee, 1990;Sec., Ihiala Progress Union Constitution Review Committee, 1999; ch., IPU Education and ' Human Devc1bpmentCommfttee,»ntt^ Improvement League; mm:Nigerian Union ofTeachers, Ihiala Branch;All WgertaConferenceofPrirctpabtf^ SteteChapter, Ik ReceivedCommotion foam theHot Education,AnambraState,torPreparingaStudera\ Master PauK ofCommunity Secondary School, Okija(• win the First National Science QuizCompetition, 1981; ReceivedCommendation from theAnambraState Education Commission for Probity, Integrityand Ability to Resist the Temptations ofCollecting Illegal Levies in Schoolsas Principal, Metu . Memorial Secondary School,Onitsha, I999;ic:Financial Sec-Gen., Ihiala SocialClub(Igwebuike) Ihiala, 1981-97; President Ihiala Social Club, (Igwebuike) Ihiala, 1997-03, Patron, since2004;mem, Rotary Clubof AwkaGRA, AnambraState; mem,oftheOrderofthe KnightofSt. Mulumba, Nigeria, since 2007; IkJustice of Peace, 2007; tt: Ichie AkajtoforofIhiala; bote table tennis, draught; off: Ministryof Scienceand Technology, Government Secretariat, Awka,Anambra State; tel: 0803-712-1721,0806- 249-6162; e-m: [email protected].
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Single
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession Civil servant , Administrator
Working Experience
Last Update

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