EGWUELU, James Godwyn




B.Sc. MBA: lecturcr.administrator: b: May 3. 1954; p: Abavo; ht: Abavo: lga: Ika South: so: Delta; m: Ilenikhcna. May 4. 1986; nc: three s, two d; ed: St. Mary's Catholic Primary School. Udomi-Abavo. 1961-66: St. Charles' College. Abavo. 1967-68; Anglican Grammar School. Ubulu-Uku, 1969-71; University or Benin. Edo State, 1977-80; 1984-87; cr: Teacher, Baptist Girl's High School, Agbor, 1975-77; College or Education, Agbor, Head of Department /Dean .School or Business Education, College or Education Agbon presently Lecturer, mm: College or Education Association - Treasurer snr. Staff Association; National Association or Business Educator: Rosicrucian Order or Amorc, 1977-87: publ: Substance of Contemporary Commerce; Central Books ltd. Agbor, 1985; Fundamentals of Financial Management. Royal Pace Publishers. Asbor. 1986; Introduction to Business Management. Alcol Concerns -Asaba, 1999; Principles of Business Law in Nigeria, Royal Pace Publisher. Asbor. 2001: hob: footballing, table tennis, listening to sentimental music; off: School of Business Education. College of Education, Agbor; res: 15. Oriekaose Street. B.B. Agbor; pha: 12 Osian Street, B.B. Owa Agbor, Delta State.
Gender: Male
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Mother's Name
Profession Lecturer , Administrator
Working Experience
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