EHANAH, Isaac Osarenkhoe Uyinmwen




Osarenkhoe Uyinmwen
B.Sc, agriculturist, administrator; b: April 4, 1945; p: Utekon; ht:Utckon; lga: Ovia North; so: Edo; m: Ehi Violet Bazuaye. 1976; has Children; ed: Holy Aruosa School II. Benin city, 1953-59; New Bethel College. Onitsha. 1961-64; School or Agriculture. Institute or Agricultural Research and Training, University or Ifo, Akure 1965-67; Moore Plantation. Ibadan, 1967-69; University of Ifo, 1969-72: Centre for Management Development. Cambridge. U.K. 1981; cr: Research Officer. Federal Ministry of Science and Technology: Federal Department or Agric. Research. Ibadan. July-Oct. 1972; Rubber Research Institute, Benin City, 1972-74; Nigeria Institute for Oil Palm Research, 1975-79; Vice Principal, Head of Science Department. New Era College. Benin City, 1974-75; Lecturer/ Head or Agric Department, Institute or Continuing Education, Benin City, 1979- 80; Part time dir. Bendel State (now Edo and Delta State) or Nigeria Health Management Board, Benin City, April-August 1980; Political Secretary to the Governor; Ministry or Agric and Nalural Resources and Ministry or Energy and Water Resources, Benin City, August- September, 1983; e-ch. Ovia Local Government, Bendel State, 1982- 83; Local Government ch./Statc v-ch. National Republican Convention, Edo State, 1991-93; Co-convener. People Democratic Party Ovia North-East Chapter, since 1988; dir. Board or Nigerian Shipper's Council, Lagos, since December 2001: mm: Soil Science Society or Nigeria; Studies on some or the properties or Ferromanganese Concretions Found in Soils around Moor publ: Plantation on Metamorphic Rock, 1969; The influence of Nitrogen Fertilizers on Soil Acidification, published in vol.9 or the proceedings or Agric. Society or Nigeria, Calabar, July, 1973; Infiltration studies on some Soils of the Nigerian Oil Palm Belt, 1977; Business plan for Establishment of an Industrial Starch Project for Hansak Nigeria Co. ltd, Benin City, 1989; sc: Lagents Club or Benin; hob: volley ball, billiards, table tennis, reading works or Bini history and culture; off: Hansak Nigeria Company ltd. Plot 04, Alegbesogie Street, Upper Lawani, P. O. Box 4589, Benin City, Edo State.
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Married
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession Agriculturist , Administrator
Working Experience
Last Update

“Please send your updated CV to: [email protected]” – Editor

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