EJELE, Prof. Lady (Mrs.) Philomena Ekeikhomen

Mrs Prof.



B^\,M.A, Ph.D; university teacher,a^ so': Edo; m: TTof. Oseik'huemen AdelJayd Ejele; ;ric: frve^ed: St. Williams Primary School; Oke'Ado, Ibadan,:I96l'^63; Marian Girl's School,1 Benin "'' City,1963-66; St. Maria Gbretti Girls Grammar School, Benin City, 1967- 71; Government College, Ughelli, 1972-73; University oflfe, lle-lfe, 1975- ' 79; Uhiversity College, University ofLondon, 1980-86; cr: Clerical Officer, Secret Registry, Public Service Commission, Bendel State; 1973-75; Lecturer li; Universiry ofBenin, 1986A88;Ucturerll, University ofCalabar, 1988-90; Lecturerl.Sehibr Lecturer,UniversityofPort Harcourt, l990-94;2005; Prof, since 200$; e-ch.. State Universal Basic Education Board, Edo State, 2008; ' Consultant to the Esan Orthography Committee, 1991 -06; faculty Representative in the Faculty ofSocial Sciences, University ofCalabar, 1988- 90; Faculty Representative in the Faculty bfEducation University ofPort ' Harc6urt,l 99fl;Faculty Representative in Sehkte, UhiversityofPortHarcourt, 1997; Representative ofthe1 Dean, Graduate School; at Oral Examination Defence inthe Faculties ofHumanities arid Social Sciences, since 2003; ch., J Enterta'inmentCommittee, Local OrganizingCommittee for LAN(Linguistic Association dfNigeria) Conference iniCalabar, 1990;Committee on Alleged Sexual Harassment;FacuttyofHumanities Welmre'C^mfflittee,2006-08; GraduateProgramme Linguistics&Communication Dept since2004; Adhoc Committee on M.A Students' Continuous Assessment 2008; ee: Dept. of Lingpisticand African Languages, University ofBenin, 1998-2000; Masters ' TrtesisI^tences,UhivereityofUyb,'LinguistiW&CommunicattonSfudies ' Dept,2()bd;UnivereityofCaIabarfor Wintmeht/Promotioh'for Niger-Delta University, Bayelsa State; 2009; "•" •JfnimeWofSehateasHeadofDept, 1997-99;ffalfManaomiehtCommittee, i-,94;-2b00; 1998 Convocation CerembnyCbmmitteefAdvfswy Board, '.merfcan Biographical Society; ProfessorXmajor's Panel on Missing Library ^ncyclopedraBritanhic^^^ -auduientPractices on'SbmeUniversity Staff/Students. 1999-03; School of ' -aduate Board, Since 2004; Ofork'a Panel toInvestigate Student's Protest, .^8; mm: West African'Lirigutstids' Society;'WALS; WARIMA, 2007; :-.WCS; Universitybf Port Harcotift flrandh; Faculty ofHumanities Book Series . '='" rial Board; Linguistics'Association, Great Britairi,'i'980-88; Chaplaincy Pastoral Council;.Chapel ofAnnunciation, University ofPort Harcourt since 2008; Diocesan Council ofCatholic Women Organization, University ofPort Harcourt; District6, LAUX ofKSJ, 2003-06; Edo Ladies Association (ELA), Rivers State, 19934)2; h: Academic Nobfolnterhattonal ' Awardby institute ot'lridustrial Administration, 2008; Fellow, Institute of Industrial Administration, 2008; award: Grand Award for Productivity in :Africa by People, State&Resource Magazine, 2008; Women ofMerit Gold '-•'•• Award byPSR Magazine, 2007;CertificateofHonour from Nigerian Federation ofCatholic Students, UniversityofPort Harcourt, 1999;CertificateofService • from LinguisticsStudents'Associatioh, Uniport, 1989-99;AwardbfExcellence -from Students' Union^Governments Head off3ept, Uniport 1999;Certificate ofAppreciation from Rotaract Club, Uniport, 1996; LinguisticsAssociation ofNigeria Representatives at'the 15*- World Congress ofLinguistics in ' Quebec, Canada from 9-14 August by International World Congress of Linguistic, CIPL: ah: National Merit Award Scholarship for 3years at the University ofIfe; 1976-79; (as an undergraduate); publ: An Introductory Course on Unguage, Uniport Press Ltd; 1996; Semantics, Uxical Structure ' and Uxical Relations, 2003; Angels: Ministering Spirits Emhai Press, Uniport, Shopping Complex, Choba, Port Harcourt, 2003; "The service of theExtra-High T6ne" fri Esah-Jourhal ofthe LinguisticAssociationofNigeria, ' '• 2001-04;"Aspectual Contrasts in Esan-Journal ofWest African Languages, 2003; 'The Basic Tone- in Esan'-Kaibara: Journal ofHumanities, 2002; •'' 'temporal Distinction's as Bases forthe Semantic, Classification ofVerbs: Insights from Esan'-Kaibara: Journal bfHumanities, 2000,etc; hob: reading, constructive discussions, cooking, traveling; off:Dept ofLinguistics and Communication Studies; Faculty of Humanities, University ofPort Harcourt, RiversState.'
Gender: Female
Marital Status
  • Married
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Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession Lecturer
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