EKANDEM, (His Eminance), Dominic Cardinal

Born June 23, 1917



clergyman, born June 23, 1917, Obio, Ibiono, Itu, Akwa Ibom State; Education: St Joseph's Anua, 1924-32, Christ the King's Col lege, Onitsha, 1933-37, St Paul's Senior Seminary Okpala, Ngor, Owerri, Bigard Memorial Seminary, Enugu, 1941-47; Ordain ed Priest, 1947; appointed Assistant Priest, St Anne's Parish, Ifuho and St Andrew's Parish, Afaha Obong, later Rector, Queen of Apostles Seminary, Afaha Obong; Consecrated Auxilliary Bishop of Calabar, 1954; appointed First Bishop of Ikot Ekpene, 1963 and First West African to be raised to the status of Bishop (Roman Catholic Church); appointed First Nigerian Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church by Pope Paul VI, April 1977; Apostolic Administrator, Port Harcourt Diocese, 1970-73; President, Episcopal Con ference of Nigeria, 1973-79; President, Association of Episcopal Conferences of Anglophone West Africa (ECAWA), 1977; member. Sacred College of the Cardinals; member, Sacred Congregation for the Evangelisation of the People; Ecclesiastical Superior of Abuja; Cardinal Priest of Titular Church of St Marcellus; member. Pioneer Total Abstinence Association; member, Vatican Secretariat for Non-Believers; Na tional Honours: conferred with Commander of the Order of the Niger (CON), 1965; Com mander of the Order of the Federal Republic (CFR), 1982; Foreign Honour: conferred with Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE), 1960; Honorary Degree: Awarded honorary Doctor of Divinity (Hon. D.D), 1954; Publications: Shepherd Among Shepherds, 1979 and Annual Addresses to Conferences, 1973-78; Hobbies: reading, drama; Official address: Cardinal's House, Library Avenue, PO Box 70. Ikok Ekpene. Akwa Ibom State; Telephone: Ikot Ekpene 21.
Gender: Male
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Father's Name
Mother's Name
Profession Clergy
Working Experience
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