EKELEME, Dr Rosaline Adaihuoma

Born February 23,1939



B;Sc, MA, Ph.D, educationist, administrator, b: February 23,1939; p:Port-Harcourt; ht: Itaja, Olokoro; Iga: UmuahiaSouth;so: Abia; m: Dr. Hyacinth OtuokereEkeleme(deceased) Sept 15,1970; nc ones,oned; ed: Women'sTraining College, Enugu,1955- 58; Universityoflbadan, 1962-63; Haile Sellassie IUniversity.Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 1963-67; UniversityofIllinois, 1967-68;George PeabodyCollege ofVariderbilt Univereity,Na^ 1980; en Teacher, Central Primary School, Igrita, Rivers State, 1954-55; Teacher, Holy Trinity School, Rivers State, 1959-62; Teacher, St. Anne's Teacher's Training College,Amavo, 1963; Lecturer, School for International Training Brattleboro, Vermont 1968-69; Part-Time Teacher, Philadelphia Public Schools (Summers), 1969-70; Lecturer, Cheyney State College, Cheyney, Pennsylvania, 1969-70; Co-ordinator, International Studies Programme, Fisk University, 1971-73; Co-ordinator, African Studies Programme, 1972-73; Asst. Prof, Fisk University, Nashville, Tennessee, 1970-74;Asst. Prof,&dir. ofSpecial Education, Tennessee State University, Nashville.Tennessee, 1974-77; Principal Inspector ofEducan'on, ImpState, 1977-79; Asst. Chief Inspector ofEducation, Imo State, 1979-81; Chief Inspector ofEducation, 1981-89; dir., Ministry of Education, Imo State, 1989;ch., IsialaMbano LocalGovernment Area, 1989-91; seel Better Life Programme for Rural Women, 1987-91; exec, sec: WomenCommission, Jmo State,Jan.-Sept, 1991; Women Commission,Abia State,Septl99l- Jan.1992; dir. MinistryofEducation, Abia State, 1992-93;exec dir. Agency forMassLiteracy .Adult&Non-Formal Education, AbiaState, 1993-94; dg. Ministry of Education, Abia State; Feb. 1994-Nov. 1994; d-g. Bureau for Political AfTairs&Special Duties, AbiaState,1994-96; AdvisertotheAbia StateMilitaryAdministrator,(Political Affairs),Government House, Umuahia, 1996-99;Consultantt6UN/ECOWAS, to do astudy on Youth Volunteering inCote d'voire, Togo, SierraLeone, Liberia&Guinea Bissau;snr. Special Assistant to the Executive Governor, Abia State, 2007-2009; comm. for Education,Abia State,since July2009; mm: GoverningCouncil,Ahmadu Bello University, 1999-2004;Governing Council, Abia State University, 2007-09; US/African Universities StudyGroup, 1971; ExecutiveCommittee, ImoState Welfare Council, 1977; Federal Government Task Force that Produced the BluePrint for Special Education, 1979; Nigerian National AdvisoryCouncil for theBlue Book Committeeon Special Education, 1979; Plan Implementation Committee, Ministry ofEducation,1981; ch.- International YearfbrtheDisabled, 1981-82;Board ofDirectors,OpenSpaces Commission, 1981-85; BishopsCommission on the Church's Ministry to the City of Owerri, 1980;NigeriaEducationalResearch& DevelopmentCouncilTask Force that Produced Curriculum for Education, 1988; sec. Joint Action Committee ofBetter LifeProgramme for Rural Women, Imo State; 1988; National Workshopon Strategiesforthe Integration ofWomen in National Development 1990;ch., Panel to Investigatethe "Sale" ofStar Player, Mr. James Obiora ofthe Enyimba Football Club, 1998-99; Sec, SeminarPlanning Committee, FamilySupport Programme, 1995;OMPADEC, 1998-99;mm: presd.,Association fortheWelfareoftiie Handicapped, 1985-92; Council for Exceptional Children; dir.International Association forVolunteer Effort 1992- 96;v-presd. 199644; since2006; International Year forVolunteerPlanning Committee,19^9-2C)01;Cc-ordinator,InternationalAssoc: forVolunteerEffort, Nigeria, 2005-2006; Board ofDirectors, AchieversCommunications Limited, since 2008; ah: Alpha Kappa Gania Sorohity (Canadian), Scholarship to Study at the University of Ibadan, 1962; United States Assistance for International Development(USAID) Scholarshipto Study at HaileSeltassie University, 1963-67; Research Assistantship, University ofIllinois; Visiting Professor's Fellowship,Columbia University, New York Summer, 1971; NEFGrant Peabody CollegeforTeachers, HashoilleiTenn, 1971-74; Dean's List HaileSellassie IUniversity, AddisAbaba,Ethiopia, 1963-67; Graduated MagnaCum Uude, HaileSellassieUniversity, 1967;International Students' Award,FiskUniversity, 1972; Kappa DeltaPI, Honour SocietymEducation, 1973; International StudentsAward, 1974; award: Distinguished Womenin Umuahia Local Government 1987; publ:77k? EducationoftheHandicapped andthe Gifted inImproving the Quality ofPrimary Education in Nigeria, Published byImplementation, National PolicyofEducational, Federal Ministry ofEducation, Lagos, 1990'; Education ofChildren withSpecialNeedsinA HandbookonElementsofSpecial Education, Published byNig. Educational Research Council,1982;Co-editor, FamilySupportProgramme: ACatalyst for NationalDevelopment, Macro Printing& PublishingCo., 1995; sc: International Federation ofBusinessandProfessionalWomen'sClub; Enyioma Club;sec YoungWomenChristian Association(YWCA), 1982-88; sec/Life Member,National Council ofWomen Societies; presd. MaterMedic, Imo State, 1988-92; Mgboto UbakuruAssociation,since 1987; Patron, Itaja Women Multi-Purpose Co-operative Society; ch.Weaving Centre Project, Established forVocational Training ofYoungGirls,since 1990; Treasurer, St. John's Parish, Itaja/Amuzu, Olokoro, 1995; hob: helpingthe less privileged, reading magazines; off: MinistryofEducation, Umuahia,Abia State; 14, Bende Road, Umuahia, P.O Box 105, Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria; pha: ItajaOlokoro,UmuahiaSouth LocalGovernment Area,Abia State.
Gender: Female
Marital Status
  • Married
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Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession Academia , Administrator
Working Experience
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