EKONG, Austin U




Pub lie Servant. Businessman, Retired Director General, AKS; Managing Director, Mic-Thompson Nigeria En LGA: Itu; Born: Ian. 18, 1939: Pa: Michael U. Ekong (d) and Grace U. Ekong (d); Married to Mrs. Bernadette B. Ekong; Children: Ubong (25), !ni-Item (23), Uduak (21), Mfon (19); Education: St. Patrick's Coli, Calabar, 1953-57, WASC; Univ. of Nigeria, Nsukka, 1963-67; Univ. of Ibadan, 1968-69, BA (Hons) English/ Political SCience; Manchester Univ. London, . 1983, Royal Institute of Public Admin.; .oth,r Qualifications: Post Graduate Dip!. in Management for Senior Profess ional and Teclmical Officers from Victoria Vniv. of Manchester, Longpn; Career and Work History: Ass!. Secretary, Civil Service, Cross River State, 1969-72; District Officer, Civil Service, Cross River State, Opobo, 1972-75; Secretary, Civil Service AbaklEtinan Local Governments, 1976-79; Director, Civil Service Cultural Board, 197( Pennanent Sccretary, Civil Service, CRS Department of Establishment, 1987-88: Director General, Governor's Office. Ministry of informatIOn, 1988-91; Admll1. Manager. Bakonburg Associates Limited, Vyo, 1992present: Career Related Activities/Responsibilities: Certs of Participation, "Seminar on Managerial Role Perception" , Ododuma and Co. Management Consultants. Uyo; "Workshop on the Civil Service Refonns", Makurdi: Secretary, Commission on Creation of New Local Govemment Cou ncil. Governor's Office, Calabar, Cross River State, 198~ : Chairman. Administrative Inquiry into Loss of Fund s: Ministry of Finance, Calabar, 1982; Mem. Commander Molokwu' s Panel on Review of Petitions on Rationalization, 1982; Secretary, Task Force on Accommodation. Akwa Ibom State, 198 7: Mem , Major Pedro's Panel on Non-Payment of Teachers' Salaries, 1990: Creative Works: Prese nted papers and lectures in different locations in Akwa lbom State and Cross River State: Civic and Political Activities: Chairn13n, SDP Caretaker Conunittee, Presidency Abuja, 1992-93; Secretary, Akwa Esop Imaisong Ibibio, 1983-86; Chairman. Mo unt Cannel Hospital, Akpa Utong, 1992-preselll; Chainnan, Administrative Council, Catholic Diocese of Uyo, I 992-present; Mem, Parish Coun.cil, St. Mary's Catholic Church, Efut Abua, Calabar: Chairman, Works Committee, St. Dominic' s Catholic Church, Brooks Street, Uyo, 1996-present: Honours and Awards: "Cert of MeritlHonour" by Students and Leaders of Thought, Ibiono Ibom; Honorary Cert award by Ikot Ada Idem Goveming Co uncil; Letter of Commendation, Department of Administrati\·e Students, Manchester Vn iv ., London: lemsalem Pilgrim (JP), 1995: Professional Memberships: Mem , Nigerian Economic Society; Religious Affiliation: Catholic: Hobbies: Reading, Lawn Te.mis, Hunting: Office: 24 Wellington Bassey Way, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State: Tel.: (085) 201871.
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Married
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession Civil servant , Businessman
Working Experience
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