EKONG, Prof. Donald Effiong Udo




Effiong Udo
B.Sc, Ph.D, chemist, educationist, bom De cember 31, 1933; married Affiong, has chil dren; Education: University College (now University of Ibadan), Ibadan, 1952-57, Heidelberg University, WestGermany, 1957- 62; Post Doctoral Research Worker, Univer sity Chemical Laboratory, Cambridge, UK, 1962-63; Career: Appointed Lecturer, De partment ofChemistry, University of Ibadan, 1963; Senior Lecturer, and later appointed Professor ofChemistry, University ofIbadan, 1971; Founding Principal, Calabar Campus, University ofNigeria, Nsukka, 1973-75; Founding Principal, UniversityCollege, Port- Harcourt, 1975-77; Founding Vice-Chancel lor, University of Port-Harcourt, 1977-82; Visiting Professor, Department of Chemis try, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA, 1982-83; Founding Vice-Chancellor, University ofCross River State, Uyo, 1983- 87; appointed Secretary-General, African University Association, Accra, Ghana,since 1987; member, University Senate, Univer sity of Ibadan, 1966-77; member, Govern ing Council, University of Ibadan, 1970-74; First Chairman, Governing Council, College of Technology(now The Polytechnic), Cala bar, 1973-76; Chairman, Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB), 1979-82; Council member, West African Science As sociation and Editor, Journal of West Afri can Science Association 1968-74; Council member, Science Research Council ofNige ria, 1970-72; member, Natural Sciences ResearchCouncilofNigeria, 1973-76; Presi dent, Chemical Society ofNigeria, 1979-82; member, International Review Panel, Inter national Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE), 1975; member, Interna tional Panel to review the administration of ICIPE, 1978; member, UNESCO Panel on University-Industry Interactions in Chemis try, 1978; member, UNESCO Panel, Inter national Organisation for Chemistry in De velopment, 1979, elected Vice-President, 1981; organizer, UNESCO Africa Regional Symposium on University-Industry Interac tion in Chemistry, 1980; member, WHOEx pertAdvisory Panel onTraditional Medicine, 1981; member, Governing Board, Interna tional Centre for Insect Physiologyand Ecol ogy, Nairobi, Kenya, 1982; fellow, Science Association ofNigeria, since 1974;Founda tion fellow, Nigerian Academy of Science, since 1977 and its Vice- President, 1989; Publications: over 40 articles in national and international scientific journals; Official Ad dress: African Universities Association, Accra, Ghana.
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Married
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession Chemist , Academia
Working Experience
Last Update

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