EKPO, Violetta I.




Museologist, Woman Leader, Director, National Commi~sion for Muse ums and Monuments; LGA: Ikot Abasi; Born: Ju\. 21, 1947; Married to Dr. A. U. Ekpo with four children; Education: English Language Sec. School, 1960-66, Dip\. of Graduation; Sofia State Univ ., Bulgaria, 1971 , B.Sc (Hons), M.Sc, History/Archaeology; Career and Work History: Curator, Dept. of Antiquities, Lagos Museum, 1972-73; Assistant Lecturer, Dept. of History, Univ. of Calabar, 1976-77; Cultural! Research Officer (Principal), CRS Cultural Centre Board, Calabar, 1978-81; Principal, Assistant C hi ef and C hi ef Curator a nd Head of Station, Old Res idency Museum, Calabar, 1981 -89; National Museum Office, Uyo, I 989-present; Assistant Director, National Conunission for Museums and Mon uments, Uyo, 1990; Career Related Activities and Responsibilities: Lecturer, School of Mus eo logy, Jos, 1990; Organiser, Annual 'Nsa Tson g' Co mpetition of the National Museum, Uyo, 1991-present; Has Organised several exhibitions. :;eminars and conferences including Anniversary of the Women's War, 1929, Jaja Centenary; Organised the first AKS Children Cultural Festival, Uyo, 1995; Established Muse um Kitchen, Uyo, under the sponsorship of the West African Museum Programme. Special Work Related Achievements: Responsible for the organisation of several Exhibitions; Initiated and Executed the Old Residency Muse um at Calabar, 1986; The Muse um Research Library and Archives at Na tional Museum, Calabar, 1987; The Museum Ch ild ren Cultural Playground Project; Statew ide Cultural Q uiz Competition for Secondary Schools, 'Our Cul tu ral Heritage', Cross River State, 1988; The Muse um Education Centre, Uyo; ' Tban 94 ', ' Iban 95 ' magazine of the Federation of Akwa Ibom Women Asscns (F AJW A), 1994- 95 ; Photographic Editor, AklVa 1bom State - Land of Promise; Museum Kitchen Project, among other ac hievements; Publications: The Story of Old Calabar (Guidebook of Old Residency Museum, Calabar); Aklva Ibom State· - The Land of Promise, a Compendium/Contributions on Tourist Potentials; Numerous other art icles on the History, Culture, Archaeology, Architecture, Museology, Women in th e O ld CRS and present AKS; Civic and Political Activities: Mem ., Nigerwives, AKS, Nigeria, 1989presei\'t; Secretary, Nigerian Federation. of Bus iness and Professional Women, Uyo Branch, 1990-92; Executi ve Mem., Better Life Programme, AKS, 19 87-93; Board Mem ., AKS Environnlental Protection Agency (AKSEPA), 1994-96; Mem., Board of Tnlstees, Federation of Akwa Ibom Women's Asscn.s, Mem ., Publications Committee, 1993prese nt; Mem., UFORO Women Development Asscn. a nd Cooperative Societ y; Treasurer, Nigerian Co nservation Foundation, AKS Chapter, 1993present; Executive Mem., Museum Society of Nigeria, Calabar Branch; Awards, Recognitions: Certificate of Recognition, Rotary Club, Uyo, 1992; Certificate of Recognition, Ikot Abasi Women, Ikot Abasi, 1994; Professional Memberships: Mem. Museum Asscn. of Nigeria; Mem., Historical Society of Nigeria; Founding Mem., Archaeological Asscn. of Nigeria; Religious Affiliation: Anglican: Hobbies: Reading, Swimming, Embroidery; Mrs Ekpo has a stro ng interest in Environmental Conservation a nd Women Development. Apart from the English Language, she is fluent in the Bulgarian a nd Russian Languages; Office: National Museum, Wellington Bassey Way (End). P M B 1109, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Tel.: (OX5) 203077.
Gender: Female
Marital Status
  • Married
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession Museologist
Working Experience
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