ELEGBEDE, Rear-Admiral Muftau Adegoke



Muftau Adegoke

naval officer, born August 13, 1942, Ibadan, Oyo State; married Faosat Agbeke King 1973, has children; Education: New African School, Ebute-Metta, 1947-48, Oriel Girls' (mixed) Primary School, Ebute- Metta, 1949-50, Talim-Ul-Islam Ahmadiyya School, Lagos, 1951-55, Methodist Boys' High School, Lagos, 1956-61, Nigerian Military Training College, Kaduna, 1962, British Royal Naval College, Dartmouth, England, 1962-65, Naval Hydrographic School, Cochin, India, 1970-71, Command and Staff College, Jaji, 1977, International Defence Management Course, 1982, Naval War College, USA, 1982; enlisted in the Nigerian navy as a Cadet, 1962 and commissioned Midshipman, 1963; pro moted Sub-Lieutenant, 1964; Second-in- Command, NNS, 1965-66; Commanding Of ficer, NNS, Enugu, 1965-66; promoted Lieute nant, 1966; Second-in-Command, NNS, Ogoja, 1966-67; Commanding Officer, NNS, Sapale, 1967-68; Naval Instructor, Naval Wing, Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna,; 1968-70; promoted Lieutenant Commander, 1970; Hydrographic Surveyor, NN, 1971; Officer-in-Charge, naval Wing, NDA and Staff Officer (Hydrography), Naval head quarters, NN, 1971-73; Commanding Officer, NNS Kwa-River and Hydrographer to the Navy, 1973-74; Nigerian Representative, UN Law of the Sea Conference (UNCLOS), 1973-75; promoted Navy Commander, 1974; Commanding Officer, NNS Beecroft and NNS Dorina and Chief Officer, Western Naval Command, NN, 1975-78; promoted Navy Captain, 1978; appointed Military Ad ministrator, Cross River State, 1978-79; Naval Officer Commanding East and Commanding Officer, Nigeria (now NNS Obuma), 1979; Captain, naval College, Onne, 1980-83; acting Flag Officer, Western naval Flag (Fleet), 1983-84; promoted Navy Commodore, 1984, and Rear-Admiral, May 1988; appointed Chairman, Special Military Tribunal for the Recovery of Public Properties, 1984; Flag Of ficer Commanding, Eastern Naval Command, NN, 1984-85; Flag Officer, Naval Training School, 1985; appointed Flag Officer, Sea Training, NN and member, Armed Forces Ruling Council (AFRC), 1985-February 1989; appointed Director, Defence Intelligence Agency, since June 1986; Passed Staff College (PSC), 1977; National Decoration: Forces Ser vice Star (FSS); Hobbies: sports, fishing, reading; Official address: Naval Headquarters, Lagos.
Gender: Male
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Mother's Name
Profession Naval Officer
Working Experience
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