EMORDI, Dr. Emorc Cyril



Emorc Cyril

B.A. M.A. Ph.D: academic: b: September 21. 1959; p: Ubulu-Uku: ht: Ubulu-Uku: Iga: Aniocha-South: so: Delta: m: Mobuogwu Anne Ejimc. August 15. 1984; nc: two s, three d; ed: St. Patrick's Catholic School. Yaba. Lagos. 1970; Ekwumekwu Grammar School (now St. Anthony's College). Ubulu-Uku. 1971-75: University of Benin. Benin City; 1979-82; 1984-86: Ambrose Alii University. Ekpoma, 1992-2000: cr: Ambrose Alii University. Ekpoma: ag. Head. Department of History, Edo State University, Ekpoma, 1994-95; ag. Head. Department of History and International Studies. Ambrose Alii University. Ekpoma, since 2000; mm. Nigerian Institute of Bankers; Institute of Marketing. London; Historical Society of Nigeria; nh: N.Y.S.C. Kaduna State, ch. award. 1983; G.G.S.S. Kwoi. PTA Merit award, 1983; publ: Ekwumekwu: A Guerrilla Movement. 1898-1911. Itan Bensu Journal of Historical Studies. Ekpoma. Vol.1, 1990: South Africa s Military Machine and the Security of the Frontline States. Iroro Journal of Arts and Social Sciences. Bensu Ekpoma. vol.4; 1992: Warfare Conventions in Western Igboland, C.1650. Humanista Abraka Journal of Humanities. 1992; Fundamentals of African History. Department of History Publication. Dalhousc. 1993: Co-editor. Issues in International Studies and Diplomacy. Department of History and International Studies Publication: vol. 1. 1999. Ambrose Alii University. Ekpoma. sc: Human Right Club. Ambrose Alii University Chapter; Patron. Association for the presentation of African Culture. Ambrose Alii University: National Adviser, National Rebirth on Campuses: hob: reading, writing and travelling; off: Department of History and International Studies, Ambrose Alii University. Ekpoma; res: c/o 1 Oseghe Street, off Borehole Road, Ekpoma; pha: Omeaga Road, Ubulu-Uku.
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Married
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession University Lecturer
Working Experience
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