ENO, Arisa Otu



Arisa Otu

B.Sc, engineer, consult ant; bom June 19, 1945; Calabar, Cross Riv ers State; married Arit 1972; one son, one daughter; Education: Akim Qua Presbyte rian School, Lagos, 1956-58; Elizabeth Fowler Memorial School, Yaba, Lagos, 1951-55; Duke Town Secondary School, Cajabar, 1959-63; Government Secondary School, Owerri, 1964-65; University of La gos, Akoka, Yaba, Lagos, 1966-69; Career: Appointed Pupil Electrical Engineer, Federal Ministry of Works and Housing, Lagos, 1969; Electrical Engineer Shell-BP Petro leum Development Company, Lagos, 1969- 75; Senior Lecturer, 1975-78; Principal Lec turer, The Polytechnic, Calabar, 1978-81; Director, School of Engineering, 1981-82; Chief Lecturer, 1981-90; Visiting Professor, Southern California Edison Company, Rosemeal, California, 1983; Head, Depart ment of Electrical and Electronic Engineer ing, The Polytechnic, Calabar, 1983-86; Managing Director, Polycal Industrial and Consulting Services Unit, 1984-86; Commis sioner for Works and Transport, 1986; Com missioner for Commerce and Industry, 1987; Commissioner for Finance, Budget and Eco nomic Planning, 1987-89; Commissioner for Lands, Surveys and Town Planning, 1989- 90; Managing Director, Arotan Investments Limited since 1990; Principal Partner, Naomu Associates, since 1990; member, Council of Registered Engineers in Nigeria, 1975; member, Nigerian Society of Engi neers, 1978; fellow, Nigerian Society of En gineers, 1990; External Examiner, (electri cal engineering), College of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt; The Polytechnic, Ibadan; Institute of Management and Tech nology, Enugu, 1978-96; member, Electrical Sub-Committee, Standards Organisation of Nigeria, 1979-86; chairman, Ministry of Works Committee on Review of Rural Elec trification Project; 1981; director, Nigerian Engineering and Construction Company Limited, 1984-86; member, National Board for Technical Education Specialist Commit tee on Development of Syllabuses for OND and HND in behavioural objectives Format, 1984-86; chairman, Ministry of Information, Committee on the Establishment ofan F.M. Radio Station, 1985; chairman, Cross River State Task Force on Road Construction and Maintenance, 1993-94; chairman, Bildahaus Mortgage Finance Limited (Mortgage Bank ers), 1993-94; member, Cross Rivers State Loans and Business Committee of Oil Min eral Producing Areas Development Commis sion (OMPADEC), 1994-95; National Consultant- UNDP-Assisted Urban Information Sector Support Programme, 1996; member, Rotary International, since 1980; Nka Ekpeyong Nnuk, Rotary Club of Calabar, Akin Development Association, member, Knight of St. Christopher; Political Party: member, defunct National Republican Con vention, 1992; Traditional Titles: Ada Idaha Ke Otung Eyo Ema, 1995; Adaha Mbiabo Ikorofiong, 1995; Hobbies: read ing, music, golf; Official Address: 3, Ansa Eno Street, Big Qua Town, GPO Box 1700, Calabar; Telephone: 087-225-402; Home: 3, Ansa Eno Street, Big Qua Town, H.E., PO Box 233, Calabar, Cross River State. Tele phone: 087-224611,225865.
Gender: Male
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Mother's Name
Profession Engineer , Consultant
Working Experience
Last Update

“Please send your updated CV to: [email protected]” – Editor

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