ENOH,Prof. Christian Okong Efiong



Christian Okong Efiong

NCE. B.Sc. M.A. Ph.D: lecturer, administrator; b: December 3. 1941; p: Idu-Uruan; ht: Idu—Uruan: Iga: so: Akwa Ibom: m: Afiong Edet Inyang, September 16. 1988; nc: five: ed: Idu-Uruan Primary School. 1944-46: Teacher .Training College. III. Akai. Eket. 1956-58: Teacher Training College. II Ibiakpan. Ikot Ekpene. 1961-63: Alvan Ikoku College of Education: Owerri, Imo State. 1964-66: Mankato State University, Mankato. Minnesota. USA. 1973-74; 1974- 75: Kent State University. Kent. Ohio U.S.A. 1977-81: cr: Teacher. Cross River State School Management Board. 1956-75; Lecturer. College of Education. Uyo, 1975-82; Lecturer. University of Cross River State. Uyo. 1983-91; University of Uyo: snr. Lecturer. 1991-93: aprof. 1993- 98; prof, since 1998; Co-ordinator. Faculty of Social Science- Introduction to Statistics. 1983-95: Method and Tools of Social Enquiry, since 1983; Acting Head, Department of Geography and Regional Planning. 1993- 95: v-Dean. Faculty of Social Science, since 1996: ch. Faculty of Social Science Examination Malpractice Panel, 1989-95; Faculty of Social Science Postgraduate Committee. 1991-92: mm: Faculty of Social Science Research Committee, since 1983; Faculty of Social Science Postgraduate Board, since 1983: University Guest House Committee. 1983-89; NCE. Admissions Committee. 1983-90: Resource person. Production of Maps of Igas in Akwa Ibom and Cross River State. Federal Govemment/DFFRI project. 1988: ee: Department of Geography and Regional Planning. University of Calabar. Calabar, Cross River Slate. 2001; ch: Board of Governors. Holy Trinity Secondary School. Miatkong. Uruan. 1982- 91;Nigerian Geography Teachers' Association. Akwa Ibom State Chapter, since 1989: Idu-Uruan Development Council Idu. Uruan Iga, since 1993: Editorial Board. Etofia Pubishing House. Uyo. Akwa Ibom State: mm: Uruan Consultative Committee. Uruan Iga, since 1993: Uruan Iga "Think Tank" Committee, Idu-Uruan, since 1996; Uruan Iga Peace and Security Committee, since 1997: Editorial Board. African Journal of Development Studies, since 1999; Editorial Board. African Jounal of Environmental Studies, since 2000; nun: Nigerian Geographycal Association; Nigerian Geography Teachers. Association. Akwa Ibom Chapter; Nigerian Society for Biological Conservation: Nigerian Rural Sociological Association; ah: Mankato State University Graduate Assistantship. 1975: Kent State University Graduate Assistantship. 1977- 80: 1980-81; publ: An introduction to Empirical Research in Social Science and the Humanities. MEE Nigeria Limited. Uyo 1998: An Introduction to the History of Geographic Thought. Theory and Method. Etofia Publishing House. Uyo. 2001: Chapters in books: Growth Center Strategy and Spatial Integration of Rural Area in a Less Deveiopmcnt Economy. Ebong M.O. (Ed.) NUSEN Press. Chapter 3. 1991; Planning Urban Parks and Recreation Activities in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State in Nigeria. E.A.C. Ogunna and U. Uchebu (eds). Versatile Publishers. Chapter 8. Owerri, 1997; he has articles in learned journal and lias presented papers in conferences: sc: Obodo Community Association, Idu: Esan Ndito Uruan. University of Uyo; Idu Youths Association. Idu Uruan. Uruan Iga., since 1981; Idu Uruan Human Capital Development Group. 2003: hob: tennis, reading, music; off: Clement [song Centre for Development Studies. University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom; res: 142 Nwaniba Road. Idu-Uruan, Uruan Local Government Area, via Uyo. Akwa Ibom State.
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Single
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession University Lecturer , Administrator
Working Experience
Last Update

“Please send your updated CV to: [email protected]” – Editor

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