ESEMA, Ohong Essien J



Ohong Essien J

Legal Practitioner, fonner Chai mlan, Nsit Ubium Local Government Area; LGA: Nsit UbiuJ11; Pa: ChicfJoseph D. Esema and Mrs. Ekanem J. D. Esema: Married to Mary Essien Esema; Children: Ashley (3), Michelle (2), EssienObong, Michael; Education: Salvation Anny Secondary School, Akai Ubium, 1970-76, WASC; School of Arts and Science, Uyo, 1977-79, NL; Univ. of Lagos, 1980-83, LL.B (HOIlS); Nigerian Law School, [983-84, BL (Hons); Career and Work History: Lecturer, Nigerian Police Force College, Sokoto (NYSC), [984-85; Legal Practitioner, A. Ekong Bassey and Associates, Calabar, 1986-91 ; Executive Chairnlan, Nsit Ubium LGA, [991-93; Head of Practice, Essien Esema and Associates, Uyo, 1993-present; Career Re[ated Activities and Responsibilities: Vice Chainnan, UNILAG Alunmi Asscn., AKS Branch. 1994-present: Secretary General, Nigerian Bar Assoc., Ca[abar Branch, 1990- 92: Special Work Related Achievements: Most Outstanding LGA Chainnan Award, 1992; NAACRISS Golden Award [993; Patron, Nsit Ubium Students Asscn.; 'Local Govt. Chainnan Award by the Nigerian Union of Local Govt. Employees; Publications and Other Creative Works: Court Judges and Politics in the Transition Period, NBA Conference, 1990; Judicial Decision Making in Nigeria, Faculty of Law, Univ. of Uyo, 1994; Land Us~ Decree and Public Interest, Nigerian. Chronic/e, June 30, 1984; Civic and Political Activities: Patron, Magna Juris Confraternity, Univ. of Uyo, 1994; Patron, Uyo Laml Tennis Asscn., Uyo, 1993; Grand Patron, Antiquity and Historical Research Asscn. of Nig. 1993: Grand Patron, National Asscn. of Nsit Ubium Students (Worldwide), 1993; Secretary, Welfare Conunittee, NeighbourhoOd Organisation International, 1994- present; AwardstRecognitions: "Obong Unwana Nsit Ubium" by the Traditional Rulers Council, Nsit Ubium, 1993; "Obong Ekong" by thefoai Ubium Conununity, 1993: Appreciation'Award, Lions Club International District 404, ltu, 1993/94; Listed in Directory of Legal Practitioners by the International Bir Association. ; "Professional Memberships: Mem., Nigerian Bar Asscn.; Mem., International Bar Asscn.; Religious Affiliation: Salvation Army. Office: Essien Esema and Associates, Plot 13-47, Ewet Housing Estate. Uyo: Tel.: (085) 201866.
Gender: Male
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Mother's Name
Profession Legal Practitioner
Working Experience
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