ESSIEN, Martin Efliong



Martin Efliong

Engineer, Director of Stud ies, Petroleum Training In stitute; LGA: Etinan; Born: Sep. 22, 1944; Pa: .Rev. Efioog Ekoog Essien, and Mrs. lquo Enunanuel Essien (d): Married to Mrs. Justina C. Essien; CliiIdren: Umana, 11m, lquo, Nkoyo, Usoro, Emem, Mfon; Education: Lutheran High School, Obot ldiiil, 1958-62, W ASC; GovemmentCoIJege, Umuahia, 1963-64, HSC; Univ. ofJllinois,UIbana, 1965-68, BSc; Univ. of Missouri, Rolla, 1973-75, M.Sc; Other Qualifications: Yale Univ. (Further Studies in Applied Marketing); Union College, (Earthquake Mechanics), Univ. de Clement, Dip\. in French; COREN Njg.; Chartered Engineer, London; Prof. Engr, JIlinois, USA; Career and Work History: Lecturer, Ahmadu Bello Univ., Zaria, 1971- 72: MetaUurgist, Nigerian Steel Dev. Authority, Lagos, 1972-73; ChiefdeAtelier, Michelinet ai, 1976- 79; Ag. Rector, Fed. Poly, Baucbi, 1980-82; Director, DSC Avian AIaIlja, 1985-88; Director of Studies, Petroleum Training lost. I 993-prescnt; Appointment and Work Related Achievement: Mem., inti. Atomic Energy Team for Nigeria (afIi1iated to UN): Publications and other Creative Works: Shcrbro MineraJ.s, 1971: Velocity Fiel~n Extrusion, 1976: Honours: Kuru Plaque, NIPSS, 1982; Professional Memberships: Fellow, Nigerian MetaUurgical Society; MeIJl., American Society of Mechanical /Electrical Engineers; Mem., Nigerian Mining and Geological Society: Mem., Institution of Mining and MetaUwgy; Listed in Who's Who in the Nigerian Oil Industry. 1995; Who 's. Who in the World, 1988~ Religious Affiliation: Lutheran; Hobbies and Interests: Music, Photography; Ofli~: Petroleum Training Institute, P.M.B 20, Effurun, Delta State; Home: Efa Village, Etinan LGA, Akwa Ibom State.
Gender: Male
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Mother's Name
Profession Engineer
Working Experience
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