ETOK, Nsikakaoasi Udo



Nsikakaoasi Udo

Civil Servant, Custom Officer, Chief Superintendent, Nigeria Customs Service; LGA: Ikono; Born: May 13, 1955; Pa: Elder U. E. Etok and Madam H. E. Etok; Married to Mrs Patience N. Etok; Child: Edikan (7); Education: Methodist Boys High Sch, Oroll, 1970-75, WASC; Ahmadu Bello Univ. Zaria, 1976-79, B. Sc; Univ., of ~ !badan,1982-~4, M.Sc; Career and Work History: Senior Master, Govt. Secondary School, Nto Nsek, 1980-82; Lecturer II, School of Arts and Science, Uyo, 1984-89; Supe~. Nigeria C .. stoms Service, Apapa, 1989-93; Chief Superintendent. Nigeria Customs Service, Customs Division Headquarters, 1994- present; Religious Affiliation: Auemblies of God; Hobbies: Reading; Office: CUIlomS House, PHCI, Port Harcourt, Rivers State. ETTE, Prof. Akpanoluo Ikpong: Professor of Physics; Retired University Teacher; LGA: [beno; Born: Scp. 23, 1930; Pa: Chief!kpong I. Ene (d) and Madam Nkaepe I. Ette (d); Married to Mrs Edak N. Ene; Children: Nkaepe (35), Ukpong (32), Nscabasi (29), Ene (25), Ene (19); Education: Hope Waddell Training Institution Calabar, 1944-48, Cambridge School Cert; Univ. College, [badan, 1949-54; B. Sc (London); Univ. ofIbadan, 1961 -66, Ph.D. (London); Career and Work History: Physics Master, Hope Waddell, Calabar, 1954-59; Lecturer II, Univ. College, Ibadan, 1959-62; Lecturer I, Univ. ofIbadan, [badan, 1961-{i6; Senior Lecturer, 1966-72; Professor of Physics, 1972-90; Career Related Responsibilities: Chief Examiner, A Level Physics, W AEC, Lagos/Accra, 1971-76; Editor of .nWASA, West African Science Asscn., Accra, 1980-96; Pres., Nigerian Institute of Physics, lbadan, 1975-78; Pres., Nigerian Academy of Science, Lagos, 1991 -93; Mem., Sub Conunission, Intemational conunission for Atmospheric Electricity, USA, 197 1-84; Special Work Related Achievements : First Dean, Postgraduate School, Univ. of [badan, 1978; Visiting Professor, Univ. of Maiduguri, 1978-79; Visiting Professor, Univ. of Cross River State, 1985-86; Visiting Professor, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa Univ., 1989-90; Professor of Physics, Ladoke Akintola Univ., Ogbomosho, 1990-95; Publications: Seven books; thirty joumal articles; five articles of general interest; three technical reports and monographs, etc; Civic Activities: Mem., Interim Management Committee, College of Technology, Calabar, 1972- 73; Mem., NYSC Directorate, Lagos, 1975-83; Mem., Governing Board, PRODA, Enugu, 1980-83; Board Mem., Science and Technology Fund, Lagos, 1991 -93; Director, Port Harcourt Refinery Bid, Port Harcourt, 1992-93; Honour: Chieftaincy Title, Essien Nse Eko Family, Upenekang, Theno, 1991; Listed in Africa Who's Who; Biographlca Nigeriana; Who '$ Who in the World ; International Register of Profiles; Contemporary Personalities; Who's Who in Nigeria ; Professional Memberships: Mem., Nigerian Institute of Physics, 1993; Mem., Science Asscn. of Nigeria, 1976; Foundation Fellow, Nigerian Academy of Science, 1977; Religious Affiliation: Presbyterian: Hobbies: Reading, Music, Dancing; Office: P. O. Box 22626, Univ. oflbadan Post Office, [badan, Oyo State. Tel: (02) 8103423 .
Gender: Male
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Mother's Name
Profession Civil servant , Customs Officer
Working Experience
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