ETTA, Professor Kelvin Michael Ogon



Kelvin Michael Ogon

B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D., physiology professor, born May 13 1938, Nsadop, Boki LGA; Cross River State; married MariaArop 1963, three sons, two daughters; Education: St Patrick's School, Kakwagom, 1950-52, Mary Knoll College, Ogoja, 1953-57, St. Patrick's College, Calabar, 1958-59, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, 1964-66, Michigan State University, 1968-71; Career: Appointed Senior Science Teacher, Holy Cross High School, Umuawulu, Awka, Anambra State, 1964; Assistant Lecturer, Department of Natural Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, 1965-66; Graduate and Teaching Assistant, Department of Physiology, Michi gan State University,East LansingMichigan, USA, 1971; Lecturer II and I, Department ofPhysiology, FacultyofMedicine, Ahmadu Bello University,Zaria, 1976-78; Foundation Professor, Head, Department ofPhysiology, University ofCalabar Medical School, 1978- 87; Acting Provost, Medical School, 1980- 81; Deputy Vice Chancellor, UNICAL, 1982- 84; Foundation Principal, Okuku Campus, UNICROSS, Uyo, 1987-91; Vice Chancel lor, UNICAL, 1996-Date; member, Govern ing Council, University ofCalabar, 1980-84; member, University of Calabar Tenders Board, 1980-84; Visiting Professor, Univer sity ofJos, 1985;Visiting Professor,University of Kebangsaan, Malaysia, Kualar . Lumpur, Malaysia, 1985-86; member, Edi torial Board, The Educator, University of Calabar Journal since 1981; member, Edito rial Board, Journal ofEducation, Collegeof Education, Akpamkpa, Cross River State, since 1991; Associate member, Institute of PersonnelManagementofNigeria; Founda tion Member, Physiological Society of Ni geria; Member, Science Association ofNi geria; Member, American Diary Science Association and Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology and Medicine; Honours: Dean Faculty of Science's Special Award, University ofNi geria, Nsukka, 1964; best Student, Depart ment of Zoology, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, 1964;Best Student, Faculty of Sci ence, UniversityofNigeria, Nsukka. Tradi tional Title: Otunyange of Nsadop, 1971; Publications: Laboratory ManualofPhysi ology, Etta, et al; Physiology and Pharma cologyofBloodPressure, Etta and Merrican, 1986; Co-author, Body Structure, S.erum Cholesterol and Percentage Body Fat in AverageNigerians, 1975; Co- author, Some Bloodindices in Three Groups ofNigerians andin Very SeverebutAmbulatory Cases of Anaemia; The Effect of Crude Extracts of Plantain on Blood Pressure andHeart Rate in Rats, Journal of Physiological Science, 1990; Co-author, Effect ofFresh Palmwine on Gastric Acid Secretion in Human Sub jects, East Africa Medical Journal 68 (12); Co-author, Thyroid Hormone Levels in Breast-Fedand WeanedMarasmic Children, Nigerian Journal of Physiological Science. Hobbies: hunting, fishing, swimming; Offi cial Address: Vice Chancellor's Office, UNICAL, PMB 1115, Calabar, Cross River State. Telephone: 087^22176; 222790; Resi dential Address: Vice Chancellor's Lodge, Al, State Housing Estate, Calabar, Cross River State. Telephone: 087-222550.
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Single
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession University Lecturer
Working Experience
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