ETTEH, Engr. Ettel




Engineer, Principal Partner, Etteh Aro and Partners; LGA: Ibeno; Born: Dee. 16, 1939: Married with two children: Education: Hope Waddell Training _ _ ~. Institution, Calabar, 1952- 56, School Certificate; 1957-58; HSC: Ahmadu Bello Univ., Zana, 1961-64, IlSc, (London); Univ. of Surrey, Guildford, United Kingdom, 1968-69. M.Sc Highways; 1972-73 M.Sc Bridges; Career and Work History: Junior Engineer, Asst. Resident Engineer, Senior Engineer, Ove-Amp and Partners. 1964-70; Principal Partner, Erteh Aro and Partners Ibadan, I 970-present; Career Related Acti\'itie and Responsibilities: A well known consultant " the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing, Federal Government and numerous State Governments: Consultant, Structural Design and Supervision of the Akwa !bom Hall, Uyo; Consultant, Okrika Jetty Collapse Accident Investigation with estimate of damage for N]\;PC Refinery and Nigeria Ports Authority; Consultant, Structural Design of Proposed Nigerian Export Promotion Council, Abuja; Consultant, Design of Cross River State Liaison Office, Ahuja; Consultant. Design and Production of Contract documents for Benin City By-Pass Road for Federal Ministry of Works & Housing. Lagos: Consultant, proposed Red~velopment of the Federal Palace Hotel, Lagos, presently. Consultant. Design Studies, Design and Production of Contract Documents for the bridge over River Benue at Lokoja as weil as sevGral other notable contract jobs: Lecture on numerous courses on bridges and Rigid Pawments. Dept. of Civii Engineering, Univ. oE Port Harcoun: Panicipal1l III several Internationai Seminars and Conferences held all over the world: successfully sponsored over fony Enginecrs for M.Sc Post Graduate Course; Special Work Related Achievements: Coordinating Engineer, Design and Supervision, Civil Engineering portion of redevelopment oETafawa Balewa Square, Lagos; Coordinating Engineer, Design of eighteen slorey headquarters buiiding of the Federai Ministry of EI'I~rnai Affairs: Coordinating engineer. Desigli of Akure State Secretanat and aU LG Headquarrcrs for Onao Stare Go,t., Coordinating Engi!)eer. In vestigations and Stnlcturai Designs of i:wel vc storey new Headquarters building in Lagos for WAEC. Traffic Analysis, Primary Road Network. Federal Capital, Abuja: Consultant, Design of Federal Health Centres in Nigeria State/Abuja; Consultant. De~ign of the Nigerian Institute oflnternationai Affairs conference Cemre. Abuja: Consultant. Design or60.000 capacity Stadium al Ikeja for Lagos Slate Government: Consultant. Structurai Design and supervision of twenty three storey VBA Headquarters Building Complex, Marina, Lagos: Consultant, Design of Second Niger Bridge at Onitsha: Publications: Five Engineering papers; Civic Activities: Mem., Review Panel on on-going Government Contracts, Fed Min of Works & Housing (FMWH), Lagqs. 1978; Mem .. Appraisai Committee on the National Housing l'rogranune. FMWH, Lagos. 199\ . Chairman. Calabar Cement Company, i 975-80:, Foundation Chairman, Federal Mongage Finance company. 1993-94; Pres .. International Asscn. of Bridge and Stmctural· Engineers (Nigerian Chapter): Award: Excellence Award in Engineering by the Nigerian Society of Engineers, Uyo, 1993 ; Professional Memberships: Fellow, Nigerian Society of Engineers, 198 1: Mem., Institution of Civil Engineers, 1969: Mem .. institution of Highway and Transportation: i 967; Foundation Feilo\\'. Nigerian Academy of Engineering, 1995; Mem., Nigerian Society of Engineers, 1967: Mem., Imemational Assen. of Bridge and Structural Engineers, 1975; Registered Engineer with COREN; Interests : Studying Human Soul Engineering. Engineer Etteh is a seasoned and well known Engineer in the country with his work experience spanmnll over thirty years. Address: Eneh Aro and Panners, 148 Oron Road, P.O. Box 854. Uyo. Akwa lbom State. 'Tel: (085) 202879
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Single
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Father's Name
Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession Engineer
Working Experience
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