ETUKUDO, Joseph D.



Joseph D

Oil Company Executive, Deputy General Manager (Public Affairs), Elf Petroleum; LGA: Nsit Ubium; Born: May 5, 1947; Pa: David W. Etukudo (d) and Hannah D. Etukudo; Widowed; Children: Williams (16), Akpama (I O), David (5); Educal:ion: Salvation Army Secondary School, Akai Ubilln, 1960-64, W ASC; Methodist College Uzuakoli, 1965-66, HSC; Univ. of Ibadan, 1968-71 , B.Sc (Hllns): Other Qualifications: Post Graduate Diploma in Personnel Management! Industrial Relation", Sundridge Management Center, Univ. of Kent, En.~land, 1984; Career and Work History: Managfment Trainee, UTC Nigeria Limited, Lagos, 1'172-73: Personn.!l Officer. UTC Nigeria Limited, Lagos. 1974-78: Ass!. Personnel Manager, Elf Petroleum Nigeria Limited. Port Harcoart, 1978-81: Head, Manpower Planning, Elf Petroleum. Lagos, 1981-82: Personnel Manager, Elf Petroleum, Lagm, 1983-90: General Services Manager. Elf PetroieulTl. Lagos, 1990-93: Deputy General Manager (Public Affairs), Elf Petroleum, Pon Harcourt, 19 ~3 -present ; Honours: Honoured with a Chieftaincy I iUe by the Ogba COllncil of Chiefs (ONELGA) Riven State for contributions towards peace and developn ,ent in Ogba Land; --Eze Udo I" by the Egi Council of Chiefs at Egi Palace, Ababuka, 1996: Professional Memberships : Associate Mem .. Institute 01" Personnel Management, 1974- present; Associak Mem., Nigerian InsiilUle of Management, Mem. of Council - Sundridge Park Management Cenire, Kent, England; Religious Affiliation: Qua IIJoe; Hobbies: Reading, Tennis, Billiards, Snooker Office: Elf Petroleum Nigeria Limited, Plot 25 Trans-Amadi InduSl[ial Layout, Port Harcourt, Rivers Slate; Tel. (084) 238950; Home: 91 Elelenwa Street, GItA I, Port Harcourt, Rivers State; Tel.: (984) 238464.
Gender: Male
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Mother's Name
Profession Administrator
Working Experience
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