


State of Origin: Contact Address: Anambra CPM International, Headquarters, LateefSalami Street, Ajao Estate Lagos Rev. Dr. Mercy Ezekiel is an erudite Scholar of repute, aMinister. Preacher and Woman ofGod par excellence, the indefatigable labourer in the Lord's Vineyard whose life practically typifies the Biblical injunction, "Ask not what (iod can do for you but what you can do for God" An Evangelist by calling. Rev Mercy is the dynamic, pragmatic, persuasive and mullitalented teacher ofthe Word ol'God. awife and Co-pastor to Rev. Dr. O. Ezekiel. the General Overseer ofthe Christian Pentecostal Mission International (CPM) Lagos. In the Vineyard ofthe Lord, she is not only ajoyful labourer but alsoa merciful one. manifesting that, as her name is. so is she. Education and Training • This amiable woman of God has a sound Christian Oriented academic background. • Ilad herSecondary School education at Badagry Grammar School. Lagos. • Then went on to register as student at Faith Bible College and Seminary Lagos, earned at a stretch Higher Diploma. Bachelor Degree and Masters Degree all in Theology. • Crowned her academic accomplishment with Doctor of philosophy (Ph.D) in Christian Education from Trinity Christian College, Texas. USA. • Studied Music at University of Lagos. • Thereafter entered into full-time Ministry immediately on completion of academicstudies. • Oriramecras Pastor in f'AS'7. Pastoral Ministry and Christianity Exploits • Not easily surrenders when in her pastoral mission and for in-depth reach out to her Hocks. She designed a Christ-Centred Outreach tagged MEEZ purely to meet the spiritual aswell asphysical needs ol" thousands ol"souls who flocks around her. • TVi'is multi-faceted OUtreacfl Comprises; Faith Clinic. Business Commission. Pre-Natal Clinic and Mercy-Line. These concerns were deliberately thoughtfully and practically structured to meet the diverse spiritual as well as physical needs of thousands of souls in order to make them live happily in this present world and also to prepare them adequately for the imminent Kingdom ol'the Lord Jesus • Awoman ol"great passion, the indefatigable preacher has traveled far and wide, winning souls for the Lord's Kingdom. Apassionate motivational Speaker, her face is well known national and international in Christian Workshops. Seminars and Conferences Awards. Honours and Accolades In recognition of her various Christian exploits this woman ofGod has been severally honoured locally and internationally by leading Christian bodies notable among which are: • Pentecostal Fellowship ofNigeria Merit Award asa distinguished Christian Leader. 2000. Distinguished Female Achiever by City People 2002 • TOTWEN Award as a Distinguished Female Achiever Fellow, International Institute of Pastoral Education and Chaplaincy (F11PEC) Ilolds membership Certificate as Christian Pastoral Counselor and Inspector Rev. Dr. Mercy Ezekiel is also aprolific Writer and Author who has to her credit many Christian books and who also strongly believes that being alabourer in God's Vineyard is one great opportunity for one lo return God's unmerited love and also to demonstrate His nature for the troubled world to emulate. She is indeed a meat Icon ofintegrity, hope, honesty and humility, a Great Role Model to Womanhood.
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