


publisher, public rela tions consultant, born October 4, 1947, Zaria, Kaduna State; married Funlayo Ogunkoya 1972 (deceased), Ally Bedford 1978, five sons, one daughter; Education: Baptist Day School, Minna, 1954-60, Kiriji Memorial College, Igbajo, 1961-65, Goldsmith's College, University, of London, 1980-82; Managing editor, Travels Magazine, 1977-79; Director, Terra Firma Agencies, London, 1980-83; Chief Executive, Alfa Communications Limited, Lagos (Publishers of Nigerian Banking Annual and Nigeria Insurance Annual), since 1984; member, Ikoyi Club, Lagos; Hobbies: tennis, chess, scrabble, swimming; Official address: Alfa Communications Limited, 5, Oweh Street, PO Box 1219, Yaba, Lagos; Telephone: (01)860332.
Gender: Male
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Mother's Name
Profession Publisher , Public Relations Practitioner
Working Experience
Last Update

“Please send your updated CV to: [email protected]” – Editor

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