FAKUNLE, Dr. Ajayi Bayode Julius




Bayode Julius
B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D; lecturer, administrator; b: July 10,1948; p: Igede-Ekiti: lit: Igede-Ekiti. Iga: Irepodun/Ifelodun: so: Ekiti: m: Fowobaje. 1971; nc: one s, two d; ed: St. John's Pri. School, Igede-Ekiti. 1954-1956; St. George's Primary Sch.. Ijero-Ekiti. 1956-1960: Doherty Memorial Grammar Sch. Ijero- Ekiti. 1961-1966; Federal School of Science. Lagos. 1968-1969; Bowie Stale University, Bowie, Maryland. U.S.A.. 1972-1975; Howard University. Washington. D.C. 20059 U.S.A.. 1975-1981: cr: Third Class Clerk. Federal Ministry of Finance. Mosaic House. 1967-1971: Tutor, Bowie State University. 1974-1975; Teacher, Howard University. 1979-1981; Teacher. Department of Biochemistry. Faculty of Science. Ahmadu Bello University. Samaru Zaria; currently, aprof/ag. Head. Department of Chemical Pathology, Obafemi Awolowo University. He Ife: mm: Association of American Clinical Chemistry, U.S.A: Southeastern Cancer Research Association, U.S.A: Biochemical Society of Nigeria; Nutrition Society of Nigeria; Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society. U.S.A: Council Bayero University. Kano since May. 2000: ah: The William .E. Henry Award (Bowie State University) Bowie. Maryland, U.S.A: sc: Financial sec Igede Club; hob: farming, fishing, swimming: off: Department of Chemical Pathology. Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences. Obafemi Awolowo University. He Ife; tel: 036-231- 846; res: University Staff Road, 7D. House 7, Obafemi Awolowo University Staff Quarters: pha: 27, Ilamoye Street, Eyigbo Quarters. Igede-Ekiti, Ekiti State.
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Married
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Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession Administrator , University Lecturer
Working Experience
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