FAMILUSI, Prof Julius Babashola




MB, BS, DCII, MRCPxpaediatrician, medi cal practitioner, born February 16, 1935, Imesi-IIe, Oyo State; married Mobolaji Adetinrin Aderemi 1964, two sons, three daughters; Education: Ebenezer Primary School, Ekotedo, Ibadan, 1946,49, Govern ment College, Ibadan, 1950-55, University College, Ibadan, 1955-62, British Post graduate Medical Federation, 1964-67, Uni versity of Minnesota Graduate School of Medicine, 1972-73, Yale School ofMedi cine, 1973, Institute of Child Health, Uni versity of London, 1974; Career: Appointed House Physician, Registrar and Senior Reg istrar in various Hospitals in Nigeria and the United Kingdom, 1962-68; Lecturer I Con sultant Paediatrician, University of Ibadan, 1969-72; Senior Lecturer/Consultant, Uni versity ofIbadan, 1972-76; Professor of Pae diatrics, University College Hospital, Uni versity of Ibadan, 1976-date; Head of De partment of Paediatric, Universityof Ibadan, 1977-80; Deputy Provost, College ofMedi cine, Ibadan, 1980-82; Chief Examiner, Na tional Board in Paediatrics, 1982-85; Presi dent, Paediatric Association of Nigeria, 1986; member, International Paediatric As sociation, since 1969, National Delegate, since 1986; member, Association of Physi cians of West Africa, since 1970; Founda tion fellow, Nigerian Medical Council in Pae diatrics, 1971; member, International Cere bral Palsy Society, since 1974; Executive member, International Child Neurology As sociation, since 1973; Executive member, Union of National Paediatric Societies and Association, 1987; fellow ofthe West Afri can College of Physicians, 1976; member, World Federation of Neurology Research Group on Tropical Neurology; Chairman, Care Oral Palsy Association of Nigeria, 1980-date; fellow ofthe Royal College of Physicians and Surgeon, Glasgow, 1977;fel low ofthe International College of Paediat rics, 1979; Rockefeller Foundation Special fellow in Paediatric Neurology, 1972-73; Heinz fellow ofthe British Paediatric Asso ciation "A" Award, 1974; Fulbright Senior African Scholar, 1983; Commonwealth Se nior Medical fellow,"T987; Honours & Awards: Recipient, Merit Award ofthe Col legeofMedicine, University of Ibadan, 1990; recipient, Distinguished Paediatrician Award of the Paediatric Association of Nigeria, 1995; Foreign Honours: Honorary Fel low, Paediatric Neurology Association of Southern Africa, 1997; Honorary Fellow, Japanese Society of Child Neurology, 1983; Fellow, The Royal College of Physicianand Surgeons, Glasgow, 1977; Fellow, Interna tional College of Paediatrics, 1979; Special Fellowin PaediatricNeurology,Rockefeller Foundation, 1972-73; Heinz Fellow ofthe British Association 'A' Award, 1974; Fulbright Senior African Scholar, 1983; Commonwealth Senior Medical Fellow, 1987; Publications: Nutrition and Disease Patterns in a War Affected AreaofEastern Nigeria, Institute of Child Health, Univer sity of Ibadan, 1969; Children, Viruses, Problems andPromises, Ibadan University Press, 1981; Hobbies: farming, swimming and reading; Official Address: Department of Paediatrics, University College Hospital, Ibadan, OyoState.Telephone: 02-241-0088 extension 4631; Home: Plot 15, Block XIII, Oluyole Estate Extension, Ibadan, OyoState. Telephone: 02-231-6292.
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Married
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession Paediatrician , Medical Practitioner
Working Experience
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