FAMUTIMI, Feyisola Olamide




B.Sc, LL.B, B.L; legal practitioner, insurance broker; b: April 10, 1950; p: Ondo; lit: Ondo; Iga: Ondo West; so: Ondo; m: Akinyosoye, 1978; nc: two s, two d; ed: St. Stephen's Anglican Primary, Ondo, 1956-62; Olofin Grammar School, Idanre, 1963-68; Ondo Boys' High School, Ondo, 1969-70; Univer sity of Ibadan. 1974-77; University of Lagos. 1996-2002; Nigeria Law School. Abuja. 2003-04; Chartered Insurance Institute College of Insurance. Kent. England, 1981; cr: University of Ibadan, Adult Edu cation Department, 1971; R.T. Briscoe Nigeria Limited, Ibadan, 1972; NYSC. Enugu/Onitsha. 1977-78; Nigeria Television Channel 10. Victoria Island Lagos, 1978-79; Femi Johnson and Company Limited. 1979; Glanvill Enthoven & Co. Limited, 1980-2000, where he rose to Group md.; md./ceo Feybil Insurance Brokers. Western House and Principal Partners. Feyisola Famutimi & Co. Legal Practitioners, Western House: mm: Diocesan Board. Diocese of Lagos West. Angli can Communion; Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria; Nigerian Council of Registered Insurance Brokers; Nigerian Bar Association; Chartered Insurance Institute. London: ah: University Scholar. Uni versity of Ibadan Undergraduate Scholarship, 1975-77: nh: National Academic Merit Award. 1975-77; sc: Ikoyi Club. 1938; Pioneer vpresd. Zenith Club of Nigeria, hob: reading, writing, music, tennis, traveling, social work, church work, community service and youth affairs: off: Western House. 9th Floor, Suite 950, 8/10 Broad Street. P.M.B. 12957, Lagos; tel: 1-2636470. 2646741; fax: 2636470, 4733939, 08056031955, 08033551548; e-m: [email protected]
Gender: Male
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Mother's Name
Profession Legal practitioner
Working Experience
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