FAMUYIWA, Dr. Oluwole Olumakinde




MB.BS. M.Phil. MRCPsych. FMC Psych, FWACP; medical practitioner, academic; b: March 12, 1946,p: Lagos Island; so: Lagos; m: Mercy Remilekun Adeniran, 1974; nc: one s. three d; ed: Araromi Baptist School, Moloney Street, Lagos; Baptist Day School, Oke Okanla, Oshogbo, Osun State, 1951-58; Ilesha Grammar School, Ilesha, Osun State, 1957- 65; University of Lagos, College of Medicine, 1967-72; University of Edinburgh, Scotland 1975-79: University of Ncwcastle-on-Tyne, En gland, 1982-84. cr: Pre-rcgistration officer. University College Hos pital, Ibadan, 1972-73; Senior House Officer, Baptist Medical Centre, Ogbomosho, 1973-74; Medical Officer II, Psychiatric Hospital, Yaba, 1974; Registrar in Psychiatry, Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Lagos, 1974-75; Clinical Asst. Psychiatry Commonwealth Medical Fellowship Royal Edinburgh Hospital, Morningside Park, 1975-76; Registrar in Psychiatry, Bangour Village Hospital, Edinburgh, UK, 1976- 97; Registrar, Bangour Village Hospital, West Lothian, Scotland, UK, 1977-78; Lecturer I, College of Medicine and Consultant Psychiatrist, Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Lagos, 1979-86; snr. Associate, University of Newcaslle-on-Tyne, England, 1982-84; snr. Lecturer 1986-90; visiting snr. Lecturer, School of Post-graduate Medicine, Universiiy of Kecle, North Staffordshire, England; Consultant Psy chiatrist, St. Edward's Hospital, Cheddleton Cheddle, Leek, West Mid lands and City General Hospital, Hilton Road, Stoke-on-Trent, England, 1989-90; aprof: Psychiatry/Head of Department of Psychia try, University of Lagos; Consultant Psychiatrist/Head of the Multidisciplinary Mental Health Team, Lagos University Teaching Hospi tal, Idi-Araba, Lagos; Consultant Psychiatrist/Bio-behavioural Scien tist, The Lambo Foundation, Maryland, Ikeja, Lagos; mm: Royal College of Psychiatrists, 1978, Association of Psychiatrist in Nigeria affiliated to World Psychiatric Association; ch: Medical Board, Uni versity of Lagos; mm: World Federation for Mental Health; The Trans-cultural Society, African Psychiatric Association, (executive council). International Institute of Human Relations, The Social An thropology Society of Africa; f: National Post-graduate Medical Col lege of Nigeria, 1981, West African College of Physicians, 1982, Royal Society of Health, 1994; Academic Board, College of Medicine, Lagos; Psychiatric Hospital Management Board, Federal Ministry of Health, Lagos, Advisory Committee (counselling unit). National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, 1990; North Staffordshire Medical Insti tute; Stoke-on-Trent, England; Faculty Secretary, Board of Psychia try, West African College of Physicians, Executive Council, African Psychiatric Association; Deputy Editor, African Journal of Psychia try; Examiner, West African College of Physicians; Clinical Lecturer, Department of Psychiatry, University of Keele, Keele, England; ch: College Committee on Multiple Choice Papers, University of Lagos, sc: member, Rotary Club, hob: classical music, reading, soccer, off: Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, University of Lagos, P.M.B 12003, Lagos, res: 6, Harvey Road, Yaba, Lagos; D6b, Eni Njoku Road, Staff Quarters, University of Lagos, Akoka, Yaba, Lagos
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Married
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Father's Status N/A
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Mother's Status N/A
Profession Medical Practitioner , University Lecturer
Working Experience
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