FANIRAN, Prof Adetoye




B.A, Ph.D, geographer / geomorphologist, bom August 1, 1938, Ola, Ejigbo, Osun State; married Comfort Adewuni Omolara 1961, one son, three daughters, Education: Baptist Day School, Ota, 1946-52, Baptist Preliminary Training Centre, Awe-Oyo, 195; Government Teacher Training College, Ibadan, 1954-57, University College, Ibadan, 1961-64, The University of Sydney, New-South Wales, 1965-69; Career: Appointed Headmaster, D.C. School, Obada, Ede, 1960; Geography Teacher, Ijebu-Ode Commercial Secondary, 1961; Teacher, 1958-64; appointed Lecturer and Professor of Geography, University of Ibadan, 1968-date; Commissioner, Oyo State Government, 1977-79; Chairman, Water Corporation of Oyo State, 1984-86; mem ber,The Geographical SocietyofNew-South Wales, Australia, since 1965; member, Inter national Water Resources Association, 1975- date; member, Association for the Advance ment of Agricultural Sciences in Africa, 1980-date; fellow, Nigerian Geographical Association, 1982; West African Represen tativeon Governing Council ofthe Common wealthGeographical Bureau, 1976-84;mem ber, American WaterResources Association, 1987;AdvisoryAssociate, InternationalAs sociation of Geomorphologists; member,Ni gerian Mining Geological andMetallurgical Society; member, GrandCouncil of Confed eracy, 1988; fellow, Nigerian Geographical Association, 1982; Life Patron, Bible Soci ety ofNigeria, 1999; Traditional Title: Mayegun of Ola, Ejigbo, 1980, Atunluto of Ede, 1981; Publications: Co- author, ANew Approach to Practical Work in Geography, Heinemann, London, 1973,1977; Co-edited: Regional Planning andNational Develop ment in Tropical Africa, Ibadan University Press, 1977; Co- author, Essentials ofSoil Study, Heinemann, London, 1978; Co-au thor, Man's Physical Environment Heinemann, London, 1980; Co--author, Hand bookfor Geography Teaching in Schools andColleges, Heinemann, Ibadan, 1981; Humid Tropical Geomorphology, Longman, London, 1983; African Landform, Heinemann, Ibadan, 1986; Urban and Re gional Planning Policy Formulation In De veloping Countries, Ibadan University Press, 1987; Hobbies: Gardening, reading, clubs and societies; Official Address: Department of Geography, University of Ibadan, Ibadan; Telephone: 022-810-2900; Home: 25, Ilaro Street, Old Bodija, Ibadan, Oyo State, PO Box 9085; Telephone: 02-810-1822.
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Married
Name of Spouse
Father's Name
Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession University Lecturer , geographer/geomorphologist
Working Experience
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