GADZAMA, Prof. Njidda Mamadu




BA, M.Sc, Ph.D, zoologist, administrator university teacher, born, March 23, 1939 married Elizabeth Ndapaya Wadzani 1973 two sons, two daughters*; Education: Gindiri Secondary School, 1954-59, McPherson Col lege, Kansas, USA, 1960-64, Long Island University, New York, USA, 1965-67, New York University, New York, USA, 1968-71; Career: Appointed Senior Lecturer, Ahmadu Bello University; Reader, University of Maiduguri, 1978;member, GoverningBoard of NigerianInstituteof TrypanosomiasisRe search, Kaduna, 1976-80; Dean, Faculty of Science, University of Maiduguri, 1979-85; appointed Professorof Zoology, 1980; mem ber, Governing Board ofLake Chad Research Institute, 1980-83; Head, DepartmentofBio logical Sciences, University of Maiduguri, 1983-85; Deputy Vice-Chancellor, (Aca demic Services), University of Maiduguri, 1983-87; member, National Committee on Ecological Disaster, 1985-88; Nigerian Del egate to the UNESCO International Co ordinating Council for Programme MAN and BIOSHERE, 1986; Co-ordinating Director, Centre for Arid Zone Studies, University of Maiduguri, since 1987; member, National Advisory Committee on Hadeja-Nguru Wet land Project, 1988; Foundation member, Af rican Association of Insect Scientists, since 1976; member, National Committee on UNESCO's MAN and BIOSHERE Programme, since, 1978; Deputy Vice-Chan cellor, Ahmadu Bello University, Founding Director, Centre for Arid Zone Studies, Ahmadu Bello University, 1987; appointed ActingVice Chancellor, University of Port- Harcourt, 1992-94;Vice-Chancellor, Univer sity of Maiduguri, 1994-98; Fellow, Acad emy of Science ofNigeria, 1997; Honorary Fellow, Nigerian Institute of Science and Technology, 1980; Member, Ecological So ciety ofNigeria, 1997; Member, Science Econogical Society ofNigeria, 1997; Mem ber, Science Association ofNigeria, since 1976; Member, Entomological Society of Nigeria, 1973; member, American Associa tion for the Advancement of Science, 1970; Associate Member, Entomological Society of America, 1969; Team Leader, State Envi ronmental Action Plan for Kano and Jigawa States; Senior Member, National Delegation to the First Conference of Parties On United Nations Convention to Combat Desertifica tion, Rome, 1997; Consultant on Environ ment to Federal Government Agencies: FEPA, UNDP, World Bank and National Universities Commission; Member, National Committee on Ecology and Environment, Vision 2010, 1997-98; Award/Honours: Recipient, Commonwealth Fellow, 1996; recipient, Ford Foundation Fellow, 1998; Fellow ofthe Institute of International Edu cation; recipient, British Council Study Visitorship, 1986; recipient, Dentsher Akademischer Austans Ch dienst e.V (DAAD), Visitorship, 1986; recipient, Com monwealth Study Visitorship to CAZRI, In dia, 1991;recipient, USIS/NUC Visitorship to USA, 1996; recipient, Gindiri Old Stu dents' 1994; Distinguished Merit Award for Academic And Administrative Achieve ment; recipient, Founders DayAward, ofthe NewYork, University, 1973;recipient, Ford Foundation Fellowship, 1968-71; SigmaXI, Distinguished Scholar, USA, 1973; Publi cation: AridZoneHydrology and Water Re sources, with others, Universityof Maiduguri Publication Committee, 1988), in addition to over 30 articles published in learned jour nals;Official Address: Centre for Arid Zone Studies, University of Maiduguri, PMB 1069, Maiduguri; Telephone: 076-232-681 extension 142; Home: University of Maiduguri Quarters, Maiduguri, BomoState. Telephone: 076232-681 extension 193.
Gender: Male
Marital Status
  • Married
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Father's Status N/A
Mother's Name
Mother's Status N/A
Profession Zoologist , Academia , Administrator
Working Experience
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