GIWA, Chief Rufus Foluso

, B.Sc, Ph.D, chartered accountant, administrator, born April 24, 1942, Okeaghe Akoko, Ondo State; married MargaretOluyemisi Adewumi 1975, four sons, six daughters; Education: St George's School, Okeagbe-Akoko, 1948-54, Secondary Modern School, Omuo, Ishua, Ikare, 1955-58, Akoko Divisional Teachers Training College, 1959-60, University of Lagos, 1963-66, Northwestern University, Evanston, USA, 1987; Teacher, Local Au thority School, Ilepo, Ikare, 1961-63; Ca reer: Appointed Warehouseand Stores Man ager, Lever Brothers Nigeria Limited, 1966- 67; Commercial Accountant, LBNL, 1967- j68; Computer Services Manager, LBNL, 1968-69; Marketing Accountant, LBNL, 1969-70; Senior Accountant, Financial De- | partment, LBNL, 1970-73; Deputy ChiefAc countant, LBNL, 1973-74; Chief Accountant. LBNL, 1974-77; appointed Financial Con troller, LBNL, 1978-79; Commercial Direc tor, LBNL, 1979-82; Commercial Officer. Overseas Committee/Financial Group, Unilever PLC, London, 1982-84; Corporate Affairs and Personnel Director, Lever Broth ers Nigeria Limited, 1987; Chairman/Man aging Director, LeverBrothersNigeria Lim ited, 1987; Chairman, Club 15, Okeagbe, since 1973; Secretary, Akoko Development Group, 1978-82; President, University of La gosAlumni Association, LagosState Branch, 1984-88; Chairman, Ondo State Investment (Holding) Company Limited, 1886-87; Na tional President, University of Lagos Alumni Association, since 1988; member, Ogun State University Advisory Council, since March 1988; member, University of Lagos Enter prises Management Board, sinceApril 1988; Member of Council, Nigerian Institute of Management, since 1986;member, Institute of chartered Accountants ofNigeria; fellow, Institute of Cost and Management Accoun tants, 1971; fellow, chartered Institute ofSec retaries and Administration, 1973; President, ManufacturersAssociation ofNigeria, 1999- date; Traditional Titles: The Aro of Affa, Okeagbe, Akoko; Jagunmolu Babalaje, March 1991; Honourary Degree: Doctor ate Degreeofthe FederalUniversity of Tech nology, Akure, May 15, 1999; Hobbies: table tennis, badminton, writing, photogra- , phy; Home: 2, 2adagry Road, Apapa, La gos State. Telephone: 01-873368.
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