MHA, CIROMANJEMA'A PARLIAMENTARYSECRETARY MINISTRY OFINFORMATION, LATER TRADEAND INDUSTRY. He was bom in Fadan Kagoma of the Kagoma Distria of the oldPlateau Province now in Kaduna State in 1920. His story is very intriguing. Here wasaman who startedPrimarySchoolafterhis marriage. He startedfinally in S.I.M. Primary Schoolfrom 1945to 1946andwentto Teachers CollegeKagorofrom 1946 to 1949. Aftercompleting hisTeacherEducation, hestarted'teachingstraight'inJanuary 1950 in S.I.MPrimarySchoolFadan Kagoma. In 1955, he took aqualification examinationfor the Grade ZZ7 Teacher Certificate, which hepassedandleft in 1956 to Kagoro ^achersColkgefortheCourse.Now,hecombinedpoliticswithhisprofessionalcallingaswasgen^ time. Hejoinedthe UMBCin 1954 andin 1957 contestedelection into theNorthern House of Assembly and won beatingtbeNPCcandidatewbowasakotbethenEmirofJemaa.AlhajilsaMohammadu.Tbatwasha^ as the Youths' clamourforself-determination in the thenjema'a Division hadreachedadeafening crescendo. Before the 1961 Elections, theHonMemberhadbeenfascinated by the characteranddisposition of thegreatSarduana andbefore the UMBC would realise it, he dclearedfor the Northernparty -the NPC. He won the 1961 Northern House of Assembly election seatforthe wholeJemaa Federation which nowincludedKagoro, Moroa andjaba undertheNPC. Barely aweek after the Elections andfor the need to have atrue representative government, the Sarduana appointedHonourable Gwanijatau Parliamentary Secretary andassignedhim to theMinistry of Information. While there, hemadehisfirsttrip abroadto Devonshire, UKfora course in SocialDevelopmentuntilthe bloody coup of 1966 which not only terminated theirgovernment but also took the life of veryprominent Northerners. He returned to his teachingprofession afterthe coup andcontinuedto teach untilthe creation of statesprovidedhim the opportunity to serve again in Kaduna this time asAssistant Community Development Officer in the Ministry of SocialDevelopment. He was appointed CiromanJema'ajustaboutaweek afterhe left thatMinistryfor that of Trade andIndustry andfinally Establishments and Training. In 1973, he again leftfor Birmingham, UKfor advancedSocial Welfare Development course. He remained there till 1977 when he transfered back to thejema'a Local Government as Senior Community Development Officer. He was in thisposition tillJuly 1982, when he was named Secretary to the Local Government which wasabigtask, consideringthe size of theplace. He actually wasatroubleshooterin theplacefor the clamourfor the separation of the differenttribalunitsthatmade up theLocalGovernmentkeptheightening. Injune 1983, he decidedit was time to retire anddidso back to his home town -Fadan Kagoma.
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