HOM, Barr. Bernard Iyorlyam

SAN; LL.B, B.L; legal practitioner, administrator, b: August 20,1949; p: Korinya-Gaav; hfc Korinya; Iga: Konshisha; so: Benue; m: Bridget Gbargbar, April 20,1976; nc: three s, two d; cd: St. Peter's PrimarySchool, Agana, Gwer LGA, Benue, 1957-59;St Mary's Primary School, Moi-Igbo,Gwer LGA, Benue, 1960;St Mary's Primary School,North Bank, Makurdi, Benue State, 1961-62;MountSaint Michael's Secondary School,Aliade, 1963-67; Government College, Keffi, 1968-69; AhmaduBelloUniversity, Zaria,1970-73; NigeriaUwSchool,Ugos, 1974- 75;en Ugal Officer, HighCourtofJustice,Benin,EdoStateNYSC, 1973- 74; Registrar, High CourtofJustice, Makurdi, Plateau State(now Benue- Plateau States), 1974;State Counsel, variousGrades,MinistryofJustice, 1975-81; Head,AreaChambers,MinistryofJustice,Otukpo, 1977-78; Dep. Din,Public Prosecution, 1981-84; Dir., Public Prosecution, 1984-85;Attorney General/Commissioner forJustice,1985-88; Reappointed, AttorneyGeneral/ Commissioner for Justice, 1994-97;Retired,April 1,1989; dir., Nigerian Ports Authority, 1993; Private Ugal Practice 1989-94; since 1997; Ch., Appeal Board,NationalCommission for Refugee, 2008; Counsel, Benue State Government Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Inter-Communal Conflicts in Benue, Nasarawa, Plateauand TarabaStates, 2002; Committee to Attorneys-General, Northern States on Revision ofUws ofthe Defunct Northern Nigeria; Committee ofAttorneys-General in the Federationon Conditions of Service, in the Judiciary, Local Government Performance MonitoringCommittee, Benue State, 1995;Benue StateCommitteeon the SharingofAssetsbetweenBenueandKogiStates; BenueStateCommitteeon Award ofHonours duringitcelebration ofthe 20*anniversaryofthe creation of Benue State; Benue State Uw Reform Committee, 1991; National CommissionforRefugeesAppealCommittee, 2008;dir, Ministerial Board ofGovernmentOwned Companies,April-December, 1994;mm: Disciplinary Committee ofthe Body of Benchers; ReconciliationCommittee, Body of Benchers, Nigeria BarAssociation, Benue State;Uw ReformCommittee, 1990; National ExecutiveCommittee, RepresentingMakurdiBranch, NBA, 2005-08;GoverningCouncil, NationalHuman RightsCommission,2005- 07;Editorial Board,All NigeriaUwReports,2005-08; National Committee forthe Reformofthe NDLEA, 2006;mm: Nigerian BarAssociation; Bodyof Benchers,1985-88;1994-97;Council ofLegalEducation,1985-88;1994-97; Genera) Council oftheBar, 1985-88; 1994-97; since2006; h:SeniorAdvocate ofNigeria (SAN); publ: The Role ofNational HumanRightsInstitutions in Conflict & Post Conflict Situations, UN Commission on HumanRights, Belfast Ireland 20-22 June, 2006; Execution of Court Judgments: The Challenges, Monday Ser&mber 18,2006;Uw&Morality. AComparative Analysis,November16,2006;Protection ofthe Rightto LifeasaFoundation of Human Rights, February 18-19,2009; sc: Makurdi Club, 1930; hob: writing, walking,music;off: Bernard Horn&Company 41, BefmeCrescent Wadata,Makurdi; res: 9, Godwin Dabo Adzuana Close Old GRA, Makurdi; e-m:[email protected].
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