AMADI, Hon. Lt.-Col. P. C.

When he was elected into the House of Representatives, Hon. Lt.-Col Pa trick Chiedu Amadi least realized he wascastfor evenagreatassignment by his party, the Nigerian Peoples Party. He is now the Party's Leader in the House. Born on June 24, 1939, the retired Army Officer completed his secondary education in 1957 and passed the West African School Cer tificate He later joined the Nigerian Army and among the professional qualifica tions he acquired were Passed Staff College (PAS) AM.B.I.M. (Associate Member of the British Institute of Management) and Exemption from Intermediate of A.CJ.S. He attended the following military courses: Mons Officer Cadet School, Aldershot, England (1958-59) Platoon Commanders' Course, Warminster, England (1959) Weapons Course, Hyde, Kent, England (1959)., Asso ciate Infantry Carrier Course, Georgia, USA. (196/9 Motar &• Artillery Course, Kaduna, (1960); and Staff College, Camberley, England (Jan. 1966 to November 1966 and gradua ted P.S.C. Among the unitshe commanded in the Nigerian Army were Platoon, Com pany, Battalion, Brigade, Division and Army Commander. Besides, he also served on the General Staff as Staff Officer in various senior grades of the Army. He served the Nigerian Army as an officer for 13years.Healsoser ved as United Nations Military Obser ver in Indonesia in 1962. Lt.-Col. Amadi hadvaried andwide experiences in the Nigerian Army. He fought inthe Cameroons in 19.60 dur ingboarder clashes between the Sou them Cameroonians of John Foucha (English speaking) and President Ahijou of Northern Cameroon (French speaking). He also fought inthe Congo in 1960 as Infantry Platoon Comman der and later as Motar Platoon Com mander. Fought in the Congo again in 1961/62 as Company Commander. During the Biafran crisis, he served firstly asAdjutant General ofthe Eas tern Command in late 1966; then as Battalion Commander in late 1966. He was promoted full Colonel ir 1967 to command the most formidable Brigade in 1968 and later that year promoted to Brigadier to command the legen dary II Division of the OnitshaSector. Early 1969, he was appointed the Bia fran Army Commander, and signed surrender, treaty on Jan. 15th, 1970 as the head of the Biafran Army. He received a number, of honours and awards in the Nigerian Army: Independence Medal: 1960, Congo War Medal: 1961 and United Nations Meritorious Service Medal in recogni tion of my Services as United Nations Military Observer in Indonesia - 1962. Even in Biafra, he was similarlyho noured: Specbl letter of Commenda tion from the Biafran Executive Coun: cil as the most gallant and effective Army Commander and leader in ser vice; Awarded D.S.C. (Distinguished Service Cross) in 1967; Awarded B.S.M. (Biafran Service Medal) in 1967. His political career began with his election as a Councillor into Owerri Local Government in 1976; elected Member of House of Representatives on September 14, 1979 and appoin ted leader of the NPP in the House of Representative by popular vote in 1979. He is a member board of Gover nors, UrattaTechnical/Commercial Se condary School Uratta Owerri Execu tive Member, (Uratta Development Association); Executive Member, (Ebi-
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