IKPATT, Sen. Ime

Po l itician, former Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria; LGA: Nsit Ibom*** IKPE, Ed idiong Ns idibe : S tud ent. Recipient of the McDonald's Black Hi s tory Make r of T omorrow Award : LGA : Nsit U bium: no .. n : 1978; )la : Dr. Ns idibe Ikpc and Mrs I-Ie len N Ikpc ; Education: G ulli ver Preparatory Se h, Miami: Harva rd Univ . U.S.A , 1996-presenl: G raduat e o f.l o hn Ca sa blan ca's Mode ll ing In s t; C ivic Act ivit ie s: Pres. G ulliver Preparatory Sc h, Miam i, 1995 -96 ; Vice Pres, S tud ents Again st Driv ing Drunk ; Treasure r, Interact C lub ; Ho nonrs and Awa r'ds: Recip ient, McDonald 's Black Hi story MakerofTomorrow Award ; Nati o na l Merit Schola r, Coca Co la Scho lar; Fo rd Sc ho lar's Sa lute to Educat ion Award ; Na ti o na l Writing Award s; Adjudged Miss Akwa Ibom in the American ba sed Mi ss Akwa Ib om Sta te Pa gea nt·. 1993 ; Ms Ikpe is flu e nt in Ibibi o. Engli s h, French and Spanish; C urrently Pursuing a Combined Honours Degrcc Programme in Med icine and Law; HOllie: clo Dr Ns idibe Ikpe , .Legion Park Med ica l Ce ntre. Miami , Florida , U.S.A , o r Ndiya. Ns it Ub ium Local Govt. Area, Akwa Ibom State . ***
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