IBRAHIM, Dr. Hussaini Dako

B.Sc, M.Sc, Ph.D; academic,administrator, b:September 24,1962; p:Doko; ht: Doko; Lja: Uvum;so:Niger, married, has children; cd: North Primary School, Poko, 1968-74; Government Secondary School, Kontagora, 1974-7C; Schbolof BasicStudies, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1979-80; 1980-84; Ahmadu Bello University/ University of Leeds,Unitedkingdom, 1985-87; The Universityof Leeds, UK, 1989-93;cr: Industrial Training, BagaudaTextile Mill, Kano, 1982; United Nigeria Textile PIc, Kaduna, 1983;Graduate Asst, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1985-87; Visiting Research Fellow, University of Leeds, UK, 1986-87; Asst Ucturer, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1987-90; Lecturer H, 1990-93; Lecturer 1,1993-94;Asst ChiefScientific Officer, Raw MaterialsScsr-rh and Development Division, 1994-95;ChiefScientific Officer/1 IOD,i"^^.-^ a.;dDevelopment Division, 1996-97;Acting Deputy Director/HOD, Research, Evaluationand MonitoringDivision, 1997-98; Deputy Dir/HOD.Zonal Offices Coordination,2002-03; Dir/HOD, Investment Promotion andConsultancy Dept, 2003-07; Dir/HOD, Industrial, Chemical and Minerals Dept, since2007; Faculty Representative, Facilities Officer, Faculty ofScience, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1987-88; Faculty Orientation Officer, 1987-93; 1993-94; Colloquium andSeminarCoordinator, DeptofTextile Science &Technology, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 1993-94; member, Department UndergraduateandPostgraduate Programme Committee, 1993-94; Departmental LibratyOfficer, 1993-94; Internal Examiner, Department of Polymerflextile Technology, Yaba College ofTechnoIogy, Ugos, 1995; mm: Institute of management Consultants (MIMC), 1997; Nigeria Institute of Management(MNIM),2003; Material SocietyofNigeria (MMSN),2003; Institute ofChartered Trustee, Nigeria, 2005; Chartered Textile,Technologist ofTextile Institute C.TEXT (A.T.I),UK;Institute of Chartered Chemist of Nigeria, 2007;mm: Projects ReviewCommittee, Raw Materials Research and Development Council, since 1997; National ConsultativeCommittee on the Industrialization ofScientific ResearchResults, 1995-97; Sec, Multi-disciplinary Task Force onTechno-Economic Survey onTextile, WearingApparel, LeatherandLeather Production, 1996; National Committeeon DeletionProgrammes for Industrial Raw Materials, 1996; National AdvisoryOzone Committee, 1996-97; Junior Staff Promotion Committee,1996-02; CommitteeofDirectors, 1996-98; Research Institutes, Senior andTechnology showUcal Organizing Committee Nigeria-ASEAN, Trade Mission/Fair Delegation to Indonesia and Malaysia, 1996; Inter- Ministerial Agency Committee of textile industry in Nigeria, 1997; Se, technical Committee onRawMaterial Exportation Detrimental totheNigerian Economy, 1998; National Committee fbrScience, EngineeringandTechnotogy Summit 1999; Staff HousingLoanSchemeCommittee,1999-02; Planning Committee, BiennialTechnology Exporting, 1996-2000; 2004-06;Inter- Ministerial Technical Committeeon EffectiveApplication ofR&DFindings and Results,2000-01;Committee, TransformingRMRDC intoaCentreof Excellence, 2000-02; Multi-Disciplinary Task Force onTechno-Economic Survey forPulp Paper, Paper Products, Printing andPublishing, 2000-01; Junior StaffDisciplinaryCommittee,2000;Committee onReviewofCouncil's Projects, 2001;Technical andEditorial Committee, RawMaterials Research and DevelopmentCouncil, RMRDC Publications, 2000-02; Projects and . Programmes Development Committee, 2002-03; projects Monitoring Committee,2002-03; Federal MinistryofScience&TechnologyDelegation toworldSummit forSustainableDevelopment Science&TechnologyForum, August-September, 2002; Committee on Review/Analysis of RMRDC Programmes and Projects, 2007; LocalOrganizingCommittee,National Stakeholders' Forumon Sustainable Production,Processingand Marketing ofSesame Seeds,2005;Nigeria Delegation tomeetingofStandingCommittee onScienceandTechnologyCooperation ofOIC, Islamabad, Pakistan, 2006; Nigeria Delegation ♦: India-Africa Project Partnership, 2006; Nigeria Delegation to Republic of Ukraine (Bilateral Meetings on Economic, TradeandJoint Commission), 2006;National Committeeonthe Developmentofrawmaterials Policy forNigeria, 2006;ah:ObaofBenin Prize forBestFinal YearStudent ofthe Dept ofTe.'tile ScienceandTechnology, AhmaduBelloUniversity, Zaria, 1984; British Council Academic Fellowship Award, 1986; Commonwealth Scholarship Award,1988;h:Grand-CommanderofAfrican Youths, African Ycith Council, 2004; off: Raw Materials Researchand Development Council Plot 427, Aguiyi Ironsi Street Maitama District, P.M.B.232, Garki,AL-ija;tel: 09-4131560,4136035,4137416,4137417, 4133545; 4136406; c-h 1: [email protected]; pha: 2, Emilangba Tachin,Doko, Doko-Bid=1, Niger State.
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